
simple plugin that allows you to dynamically add servers and forced hosts to your bungeecord/waterfall server

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


simple plugin that allows you to dynamically add servers and forced hosts to your bungeecord/waterfall server

Here's a video demonstration


command description usage aliases permission
/dynamicbungee core command, lists sub commands /dynamicbungee /dynbun, /db dynamicbungee
/dynamicbungee add adds a server to the proxy /dynamicbungee add <name> <host:port> [restricted [motd]] `` dynamicbungee.add
/dynamicbungee remove removes a server from the proxy /dynamicbungee remove <name> `` dynamicbungee.remove
/dynamicbungee list lists all your servers /dynamicbungee list `` dynamicbungee.list


  • Adding servers (with motd and restricted settings)
  • Removing servers
  • A more detailed server list than glist
  • Permission checks for each of the commands
  • (available in beta 0.3-preview) Configuration file that'll be read and added in onEnable() so you don't have to add all your servers every restart

Coming Soon

  • fix to the serverlist so it actually displays playercount
  • more command aliases
  • forced hosts


  • configurable serverlist table so you can hide all the different columns (for privacy concerning ip-addresses / hosts)
  • colored serverlist table :3
  • saw https://github.com/mcgrizzz/DynamicProxy and I thought I might be able to merge the two plugins.