
Sendero implement Stuart Kauffman's NK(C) models in REPAST, an agent-based modeling environment.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Sendero NKCS

Sendero implement Stuart Kauffman's NK(C) models in REPAST, an agent-based modeling environment. Further details of the NK(C) models are provided in the University of Bath Working Paper "Sendero: an extended, agent-based implementation of Kauffman's NKCS model".

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and research purposes.

First clone this repo or download a zip copy of the files.

Built With

  • JDK 1.5+ - Java Development Kit
  • Ant - Build
  • Repast - Recursive Porus Agent Simulation Toolkit


Dependencies are embedd in the repository. Just be sure to have the build tools installed in your system.

Build Sendero

The application can be built using Apache Ant and the supplied script "build.xml". Navigate to "dist" folder and type


at the command line.

Unit tests

Unit tests are currently under development.

Running Sendero

To run the project from the command line, go to the dist folder and type the following:

java -jar sendero.jar (run type) (param file)

For the NK model with Repast GUI:

java -jar sendero.jar nkgui NKdefaultparams.pf

For the NK model in batch mode:

java -jar sendero.jar nkbatch NKdefaultparams.pf

For the NKC model with Repast GUI:

java -jar sendero.jar nkcgui NKCdefaultparams.pf

For the NKC model in batch mode:

java -jar sendero.jar nkcbatch NKCdefaultparams.pf

NOTE: for NKC runs, an XML file is required (and is supplied). The location of this file is referred to in NKCdefault_params.pf.

Contributing contributions welcome

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


  • Julian Padget
  • Richard Vidgen
  • Amy Marshall
  • Rick Mellor
  • James Mitchell

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Project referent

Old Wiki

The original code and wiki can be foud here.

License License: GPL v3

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Kauffman, S., (1993). The Origins of Order. Oxford.

Kauffman, S., (1995). At Home in the Universe. Penguin Books edition, 1996.

McKelvey, B., (1999). Avoiding Complexity Catastrophe in Coevolutionary Pockets: Strategies for Rugged Landscapes. Organization Science, 10(3): 294-321.