
Assets that project HitBeat requires

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


  • Assets that the main project HitBeat! requires to function appropriately
  • Comprised of object classes designed for game functionality such as Health, Beat (object to hit during gameplay), Song (pattern to display when playing a game), and Songlist (used to display all songs available for play)
  • Holds necessary object classes for the video game. Increases cohesion and prioritizes single responsibility principle
    • Cohesion: How task focused a unit of code is
    • Single responsibility principle: Every module, class and method is responsible for exactly one part of the program's functionality
  • Main project repository: https://github.com/minericpark/HitBeat
  • Completed development in December 2017

Core Technical Concepts/Inspiration

  • Created to learn more about Object Oriented Programming, the programming language Java, and how to utilize a game development framework
  • Project utilizes custom algorithms for game mechanics such as health tracking, beat hit detection, score increase, score leaderboard, and song pacing + matching with beat patern

Getting Started/Requirements/Prerequisites/Dependencies

  • Requires LibGDX framework downloaded and attached to run

