
Utilizes data sources provided by IMDb to search through actors for their respective roles and movies they partook in, or the movies for their respective actors and roles. Utilizes a binary search tree data structure (creates, sorts and searches).

Primary LanguageC

IMDB Search (Used to learn how to use binary tree data structure)

  • Academic project that parses three separate IMDB database files (csv/tsv) and compiles them into several binary trees for use in searching.
  • Completed development in November 2019

Core Technical Concepts/Inspiration

  • Created to understand how to use binary tree data structures
  • Created to improve parsing ability with tsv/csv files

Getting Started/Requirements/Prerequisites/Dependencies

  • C Compiler
  • Requires all files, and all must be within the same directory


License / Warning

  • This is code written by me, used and submitted for an academic assignment provided by my undergraduate degree. Use at your own risk