A handy class for iOS to use UILabel as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like in Apple Clock App.
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#93 opened by lzylzy1991 - 0
毫秒倒计时结束的时候会跳出59:59:59 然后继续倒计时不到一秒钟的时间才会触发结束回调
#91 opened by 623034345 - 0
How to resume the timer where it stops?
#97 opened by pradweep - 3
Zombie, memory leaks
#43 opened by sirljan - 3
MZTimerLabel memory error!!!
#89 opened by semnyqu - 1
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倒计时怎么设置天数,我设置成DD 总比实际的多一天
#95 opened by iOSyifeng - 3
#70 opened by AwuSnaiper - 0
if formatted to just show seconds does not adjust for not having a 'minutes' place
#92 opened by nickthedude - 3
Problems setting up the number of days
#72 opened by iMaBiao - 2
CountDown acts like a StopWatch
#90 opened by cmouline - 5
How i can invalidate timer
#87 opened by mhtranbn - 0
SetCountdownTimer adds a few extra seconds
#88 opened by escakot - 1
#86 opened by jjzjx118 - 2
#77 opened by BadChoice - 0
Save state of timer
#84 opened by dimohamdy - 0
Countdown overlapping last seccond
#81 opened by h3adshotzz - 0
Count down with negative
#80 opened by nguyenvantrai2011 - 2
Add in HH field after "59:59"
#79 opened by BallerChan - 0
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Timezone Issue
#76 opened by fjcaetano - 1
Day counter problem for MZTimerLabelTypeTimer
#67 opened by nahouto - 0
On the Pause and Start
#73 opened by PlanktonLiveMose - 2
MZTimerLabelType didn't work in swift
#74 opened by lforme - 4
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MZTimerLabel inside UITableViewCell?
#46 opened by schan93 - 1
Error counting
#68 opened by umbe89 - 2
Any idea to convert Objective-C to Swift ?
#65 opened by wongzigii - 1
`timeFormat` 屬性的問題
#64 opened by zhwayne - 1
-(void)timerLabel:(MZTimerLabel*)timerLabel finshedCountDownTimerWithTime:(NSTimeInterval)countTime{
#66 opened by Hartistic - 0
Need for feature: count down for stopwatch type
#62 opened by wongzigii - 1
updating podspec for tvos
#56 opened by BadChoice - 0
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BOOL starting
#55 opened by alfio86 - 4
#53 opened by EasonGaoDevelop - 1
2 Timer labels delay
#41 opened by Pades9 - 1
Feature Request
#47 opened by javb99 - 1
Feature request: blinking colon
#50 opened by to83 - 2
how to stop the timer?
#52 opened by jnordh - 1
Not able to set label textcolor.
#49 opened by cloudjanak - 1
Can use in collectioncell???
#34 opened by lasimmm - 3
Countdown not working for more than 24 hours
#45 opened by SMFakhir - 5
Timer Counting Up
#42 opened by rsickles - 2
Hours showing 24+
#40 opened by lennypistorio - 1
Use "resume" instead of "start"
#36 opened by xiaoxu193 - 1
How to get countedTime in milliSeconds?
#39 opened by rugmangathan - 1
New feature
#35 opened by colasbd - 1
timer in uinavigationbar
#37 opened by c-villain - 1