
As an ItemsRepeater does NOT recycle virtualized elements after sending the NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset change to its Layout that Layout needs to recycle Elements itself.

Either this

  • is a BUG of ItemsRepeater
  • or the DOCUMENTATION is missing that fact

The App uses two versions of the Community.Toolkit.WinUI.Controls.WrapLayout:

  • the current NuGet package (7.1.2)
  • a custom version where
    • a RecycleAllElements was added to WrapLayoutState which is optionally called on the Reset action
    • a "logging" mechanism

The App shows four different ways of presenting a List:

  • a ListView with horizontal Community.Toolkit.WinUI.Controls.WrapPanel (NuGet)
  • an ItemsRepeater with a horizontal StackLayout
  • an ItemsRepeater with the Community.Toolkit.WinUI.Controls.WrapLayout (NuGet)
  • an ItemsRepeater with the custom WrapLayout
    • the "Recycle On Reset" Checkbox activates the recycling
    • under "Messages of FromCommunityToolkit.WrapLayout" its messages will appear after clicking the "Update" button

"Messages of FromCommunityToolkit.WrapLayout"

Messages are shown in order newest on top. A message which follows one directly with the same content will be not shown.

  • "NextButtonClick", "PreviousButtonClick" as the name says
  • the Name of the Method called
  • "MeasureOverride" also list the Elements from
    • context.GetOrCreateElementAt as "@{index}>{content}"
    • context.RecycleElement as "R>{content}"

The App consists of two pages:

  • BugPage1: the ListView and three ItemsRepeater use a Property of type List as their ItemsSource. Changing the current item is done via the "Previous" amd "Next" Buttons.
  • BugPage2: the ListView and three ItemsRepeater are a DataTemplate which is used by a ListView which presents a List where ItemsList holds a List which is uses as the DataTemplates DataType.

Showing the Bug

  • go to either page and select different Items List, fore and back.
  • ListView and the three ItemsRepeater should show the same content
  • the Community.Toolkit.WinUI.Controls.WrapLayout (NuGet) will ALWAYS show the SAME first items
  • the curstom WrapLayout will too unless the "Recycle On Reset" is activated
  • the Messages show that the same (wrong) Elements are given back by context.GetOrCreateElementAt