An implementation of Microsoft's "FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech"
- AppleHolicSupertone Inc.
- bigdan12
- carlfm01Costa Rica
- chenchy
- crux153
- cyhuang-twNational Taiwan University
- dachengaiOrionStar
- dathudeptrai@SpeechifyInc
- faroitAudioshake
- gheyretJapan
- howard1337
- huchenxucsTsinghua University
- humanlost
- ik5:::1
- iluntsai99
- IreneZhou2018
- iwaterxt
- Jackson-KangNCSOFT AI
- leo19941227National Taiwan University
- lturing
- MiralanShanghai, China
- r9y9@line
- rishikksh20Dubpro.ai
- ritvik1512西早稲田工場
- rmarquis
- seaniezhaotimedomAIn
- singhranjodhIndia
- SynthAether
- t15cs012
- taylorlu
- templeblockunemployment
- WendongGanUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- WhiteFu
- xcmyzCUHK
- yobcmst
- zhjy8827