
A fast globbing library for .NET applications. Outperforms Regex.

Primary LanguageC#


A fast (probably the fastest) globbing library for .NET. This library does not use Regex - I wanted to make something much faster. The latest benchmarks show that DotNet.Glob signficantly outperforms Regex. The benchmarks use BenchmarkDotNet and can be located inside this repo. Just dotnet run them.

Branch Build Status NuGet
Master Build master NuGet
Develop Build develop NuGet


  1. Install the NuGet package. Install-Package DotNet.Glob
  2. Add using statement: using DotNet.Globbing;
  3. Parse a glob from a pattern
 var glob = Glob.Parse("p?th/*a[bcd]b[e-g]a[1-4][!wxyz][!a-c][!1-3].*");
 var isMatch = glob.IsMatch("pAth/fooooacbfa2vd4.txt");

Build a glob fluently

You can also use the GlobBuilder class if you wish to build up a glob using a fluent syntax. This is also more efficient as it avoids having to parse the glob from a string pattern.

So to build the following glob pattern: /foo?\\*[abc][!1-3].txt:

  var glob = new GlobBuilder()
                .OneOf('a', 'b', 'c')
                .NumberNotInRange('1', '3')

   var isMatch = glob.IsMatch(@"/fooa\\barrra4.txt"); // returns true.


The following patterns are supported (from wikipedia):

Wildcard Description Example Matches Does not match
* matches any number of any characters including none Law* Law, Laws, or Lawyer
? matches any single character ?at Cat, cat, Bat or bat at
[abc] matches one character given in the bracket [CB]at Cat or Bat cat or bat
[a-z] matches one character from the range given in the bracket Letter[0-9] Letter0, Letter1, Letter2 up to Letter9 Letters, Letter or Letter10
[!abc] matches one character that is not given in the bracket [!C]at Bat, bat, or cat Cat
[!a-z] matches one character that is not from the range given in the bracket Letter[!3-5] Letter1, Letter2, Letter6 up to Letter9 and Letterx etc. Letter3, Letter4, Letter5 or Letterxx

In addition, DotNet Glob also supports:

Wildcard Description Example Matches Does not match
** matches any number of path / directory segments. When used must be the only contents of a segment. /**/some.* /foo/bar/bah/some.txt, /some.txt, or /foo/some.txt

Advanced Usages

Match Generation

Given a glob, you can generate random matches, or non matches, for that glob. For example, given the glob pattern /f?o/bar/**/*.txt you could generate matching strings like /foo/bar/ajawd/awdaw/adw-ad.txt or random non matching strings.

  var dotnetGlob = Glob.Parse(pattern);
  var generator = new GlobMatchStringGenerator(dotnetGlob.Tokens);

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          var testString = generator.GenerateRandomMatch();
          var result = dotnetGlob.IsMatch(testString);
          // result is always true.

          // generate a non match.
          testString = generator.GenerateRandomNonMatch();
          var result = dotnetGlob.IsMatch(testString);
           // result is always false.

Match Analysis

The IsMatch method just returns you a boolean. If you require more in-depth information about the match including which tokens were matched, or failed to match, you can do this:

 MatchInfo match = glob.Match(somestring);

You can then inspect the MatchInfo which holds all of those useful details.