
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SoPra RESTful Service Template FS19

Spring Boot

Setup this Template with your IDE of choice

Download your IDE of choice: (e.g., Eclipse, IntelliJ).

  1. File -> Open... -> SoPra Server Template
  2. Accept to import the project as a gradle project

To build right click the build.gradle file and choose Run Build

Building with Gradle

You can use the local Gradle Wrapper to build the application.


  • MAC OS X: ./gradlew
  • Windows: ./gradlew.bat

More Information about Gradle Wrapper and Gradle.


./gradlew build


./gradlew bootRun


./gradlew test

API Endpoint Testing


  • We highly recommend to use Postman in order to test your API Endpoints.