
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Plotting library in Elm!

Primary LanguageElm

Elm Plot

Plot stuff in SVG with Elm!

Build Status


Currently, this library can draw scatter, line, bar and area-series, grids, hints, and as many axis' as you could wish for with easily configurable ticks and labels. I'm still working on catching up with common features of the plotting libraries already around and the API might change, so please bear with me!

alt tag

What does the api look like?

Something like this:

    main =
			[ size plotSize
			, margin ( 10, 20, 40, 20 )
			[ line
			    [ Line.stroke pinkStroke
			    , Line.strokeWidth 2
			, xAxis
			    [ Axis.line [ Line.stroke axisColor ]
			    , Axis.tick [ Tick.viewDynamic toTickStyle ]
			    , Axis.label [ Label.viewDynamic toLabelStyle ]

You're welcome to take a look at the docs folder for many more exampels!

Missing something?

Let me know! Open an issue (or PR) or write at #elm-plot in the elm-lang's slack. Please don't hesistate - I'm happy to answer any questions or get any kind of feedback! ✨



elm package install

and open docs (The docs contain a bunch of exampels convinient for developing).

Compile the Docs

elm-make docs/Docs.elm --output=docs/docs.js


Tests are written with elm-test. For further information on elm-test check the documentation. All required dependencies are downloaded and installed when initially running the command.
