Code Gen

This tool built for generating code template via CLI.

Build & Run

go build && ./codegen

Setup Config

Create a config.toml with following format and place next to ./codegen

name = "Create a MVC Class"


    type = "StringInput"
    message = "Class Name"

    type = "String"
    value = "MY_VARIABLE"

    type = "StringInput"
    message = "Class Type (M=Model, V=View, C=Controller)"

    M = "Model"
    V = "View"
    C = "Controller"

templatepath = "test/template/"
exportpath = "test/output/{{.Title \"ClassName\"}}.java"

Create Template

Template are renderred by Go Template, like this:

{{if .Equal "ClassName" "MyClass"}}// MyClass{{end}}
public class {{.Print "ClassName"}} {
    private static final String {{.Constant "MyVariable"}} = "HelloWorld";
    public static void main(String args[]){
        System.out.println({{.Print "MyVariable"}});

Function availiable in template

Name Description Example Output
Print Print field value {{.Print "MyField"}} your exact input
Equal Check if field value equal to string {{if .Equal "MyField" "foo"}} bar {{end}} bar
Title Turn value to title case {{.Title "MyField"}} ConvertedInput
Camel Turn value to camel case {{.Camel "MyField"}} convertedInput
Constant Turn value to constant case {{.Constant "MyField"}} CONVERTED_INPUT
Underline Turn value to underline case {{.Underline "MyField"}} converted_input
Dash Turn value to dash case {{.Dash "MyField"}} converted-input
Path Turn value to path case {{.Path "MyField"}} converted/input
Package Turn value to package case {{.Package "MyField"}} converted.input



  • Basic template generation
  • CLI menu & prompt
  • Template config format
  • Print variable to template
  • String conversion for template (Title, Constant, Camel, Dash)
  • If case for template (Value compare)


  • Global variable


  • More String conversion for template (package, file/path, under_line)


  • Windows CLI word missing bug
  • Windows <? -> <? bug