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bundle install vi Gemfile bundle mkdir features vi features/warm_welcome.feature cucumber mkdir feaures/step_definitions vi features/step_definitions/sailor_steps.rb cucumber

still get Assert from Minitest

use rspec again

add greeting return in user.rb

cucumber again

~/src/rails/cucumber-app(branch:master*) » cucumber ming@dokku Feature: Warm welcom In order to make my users feel confortable on my website As the website owner I want to greet them appropriately

Scenario: Greeting a sailor # features/warm_welcome.feature:6 Given I am a sailor # features/step_definitions/sailor_steps.rb:3 Then I want to be greeted "Ahoy and welcome!" # features/step_definitions/sailor_steps.rb:7

1 scenario (1 passed) 2 steps (2 passed) 0m0.028s