
OpenCC Java fork

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Introduction 簡介

OpenCC-Java is made by Java with the dictionary files of OpenCC which is developed by BYVoid(byvoid.kcp@gmail.com).

OpenCC-Java是用Java所寫, 使用由BYVoid(byvoid.kcp@gmail.com)所開發的OpenCC中的字典檔案.

Dependencies 依賴套件

json-simple is used for parsing json files


Installation 安裝

Download the jar file from the release page and add it to the project build path.

release下載jar檔案, 加到project build path.

Add the following requires to module-info.java.


module yourmodulename {
    requires OpenCC.Java;
    requires java.sql;

Usage 使用方式

import opencc.OpenCC

public class Sample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // use default conversion "s2t", convert from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese
        OpenCC openCC = new OpenCC();
        // can also set conversion when constructing
        // OpenCC openCC = new OpenCC("s2tw"); // convert from Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard)
        // also can set a new conversion when needed
        // opencCC.setConversion("s2hk");
        String toConvert = "开放中文转换";
        String converted = openCC.convert(toConvert);

Conversions include 轉換包含:

'hk2s': Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard) to Simplified Chinese

's2hk': Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard)

's2t': Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese

's2tw': Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard)

's2twp': Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard, with phrases)

't2hk': Traditional Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard)

't2s': Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese

't2tw': Traditional Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard)

'tw2s': Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) to Simplified Chinese

'tw2sp': Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) to Simplified Chinese (with phrases)

Issues 問題

When there are more than one conversion avaiable, only the first one is taken.

當轉換有兩個以上的字詞可能時, 程式只會使用第一個.