Cylon.js ( is a JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
This module provides drivers for General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) devices ( in ROS ( Thus by pub/sub a topic in ROS, you can control the GPIO devices by creating the according drivers in Cylon.JS.
It must be used along with an adaptor module such as intel-iot
( that supports the needed interfaces for GPIO devices.
Note you must install whichever adaptor you want to use, such as: npm install cylon-intel-iot
. Also, you have to confirm below:
- You have to become a superuser when executing node in order to WRITE in path
- Make sure you have all necessary ROS environment variables for the superuser. Often, you can source the .bash file like:
$ source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
In ROS, create a node which will publish a topic, named toggle_led
, every one second.
var rosnodejs = require('rosnodejs');
rosnodejs.initNode('/my_node', {
messages: ['std_msgs/String']
}).then((rosNode) => {
var std_msgs = rosnodejs.require('std_msgs').msg;
var msg = new std_msgs.String();
var pub = rosNode.advertise('/toggle_led','std_msgs/String', {
queueSize: 1,
latching: true,
throttleMs: 9
setInterval(() => { = 'toggle LED';
}, 1000);
On the Clyon side, create a LED device which will use the driver ros-led
in module cylon-ros-gpio
and the adaptor intel-iot
is being used.
var Cylon = require('cylon');
// Initialize the robot
connections: {
minnowboard: { adaptor: 'intel-iot' }
devices: {
led: { driver: 'ros-led', module: 'cylon-ros-gpio', pin: 25 },
work: function(my) {
To report a security issue, please follow the procedure described here.