Standalone commandline tools and ros2 cli
extensions for use with the ROS2 rclnodejs client library.
- ROS2 Foxy or greater installed
- Node.js version between 10.23.1 - 12.x
- npm or yarn package manager
- A shell environment that includes ROS2. See Configuring a ROS2 Environment for more info.
Install the rclnodejs-cli
package globally or alternatively use npx to run rclnodejs-cli directly from a shell.
Note: Your shell environment should include ROS2.
To install rclnodejs-cli globally run the following command from a shell:
> npm install -g rclnodejs-cli
> yarn global add rclnodejs-cli
You can extend the ros2
cli with additional commands and options from this package by sourcing the `install/setup.[bat,bash,ps1,sh] file.
On Linux run:
> source <rclnodejs-cli-dir>/install/setup.bash
On Windows run:
> <rclnodejs-cli-dir>\install\setup.bat
> <rclnodejs-cli-dir>\install\setup.ps1
For more information on using an rclnodejs-cli tool from the ros2
cli see the references to tool/command user-guides below.
List available commands.
If rclnodejs-cli is installed globally run:
> rclnodejs-cli -h
Alternatively use npx
as shown:
> npx rclnodejs-cli -h
The default commandline output follows:
_ _ _
_ __ ___| |_ __ ___ __| | ___ (_)___
| '__/ __| | '_ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \| / __|
| | | (__| | | | | (_) | (_| | __/| \__ \
|_| \___|_|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|/ |___/
Usage: rclnodejs [command] [options]
-h, --help display help for command
create-package [options] <package-name> Create a ROS2 package for Nodejs development.
generate-ros-messages Generate JavaScript code from ROS2 IDL interfaces
help [command] display help for command
List a subcommand details.
> rclnodejs-cli <subcommand> -h
> npx rclnodejs-cli <subcommand> -h
> rclnodejs-cli create-package -h
> npx rclnodejs-cli create-package -h
The rclnodejs-cli create-package
command creates a hybrid ROS2-Nodejs package that can coexist and participate with other ROS2 packages in a ROS2 workspace and can be run using the ROS2 launch
facility. A ROS2-Nodejs package consist of a ROS2 package, specifically an ament-cmake
ROS2 package, overlaid with a Nodejs package.
Learn more about the create-package tool.
Generate JavaScript messages corresponding to the interfaces (.IDL)
in your ROS2 environment. Run this command in the root folder of a Nodejs package that includes rlcnodejs as a dependency. The JavaScript message files are created in the node_modules/rclnodejs/generated/
folder of the current Nodejs package.