
Pytorch code for Frame-wise Action Representations for Long Videos via Sequence Contrastive Learning, CVPR2022.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Frame-wise Action Representations for Long Videos via Sequence Contrastive Learning

Pytorch code for Frame-wise Action Representations for Long Videos via Sequence Contrastive Learning, CVPR2022.



# create conda env and install packages
conda create -y --name carl python=3.7.9

conda activate carl
# The code is tested on cuda10.1-cudnn7 and pytorch 1.6.0
conda install -y pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install -y conda-build ipython pandas scipy pip av -c conda-forge

# install pip packages
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Preparing Data

Create a directory to store datasets:

mkdir /home/username/datasets

Download pre-processed datasets

  • Download the Pouring dataset at pouring
  • Download the PennAction dataset at penn_action
  • Download the FineGym dataset at finegym

BaiduCloud: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Vu9Qkiei-O10tcdCJAwaHA password: 7rbo

(Due to my limited storage, the link for finegym on google drive is expired. Only BaiduCloud link is avaliable now.)

(Optionally) Pre-process datasets by yourself

Download Pouring using the script

sh dataset_preparation/download_pouring_data.sh
python dataset_preparation/tfrecords_to_videos.py

Download the original Penn Action dataset and label files. Run the preparation script:

python dataset_preparation/penn_action_to_tfrecords.py
python dataset_preparation/tfrecords_to_videos.py

Download the FineGym dataset from the official web FineGym. Contact that author to get raw videos or using the youtube-dl script in download_finegym_videos.py.

Run the preparation script:

python dataset_preparation/finegym_process.py

We trim the raw video based on the event time-stamps in finegym_annotation_info_v1.0.json. Each event video is standardized to 640x360 resolution and 25 fps. We train the model on the event videos containing at least one sub-action. For further research, we also provide the event videos without sub-action labeled in additional_processed_videos.

Download ResNet50 pretrained with BYOL

Our ResNet50 beckbone is initialized with the weights trained by BYOL.

Download the pretrained weight at pretrained_models, and place it at /home/username/datasets/pretrained_models.


Check ./configs directory to see all config settings.

Training on Pouring

Start training, assuming your machine only have one GPUs (if you have 4 GPUs, set --nproc_per_node 4):

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --workdir ~/datasets --cfg_file ./configs/scl_transformer_config.yml --logdir ~/tmp/scl_transformer_logs

The config can be changed by adding --opt TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE 1 TRAIN.MAX_EPOCHS 500

Check the file utils/config.py to see all config options.

We use “automatic mixed precision training” by default, but it sometimes causes the 'nan' gradient error. If you encounter this error, set --opt USE_AMP false.

Training on PennAction
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --workdir ~/datasets --cfg_file ./configs/scl_transformer_action_config.yml --logdir ~/tmp/scl_transformer_action_logs
Training on FineGym
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --workdir ~/datasets --cfg_file ./configs/scl_transformer_finegym_config.yml --logdir ~/tmp/scl_transformer_finegym_logs

Tips: The default number of data worker is 4, which might causes CPU overloaded for some Machines. In this case, you can set --opt DATA.NUM_WORKERS 1.

Pretraining on Kinetics400

Download K400 dataset from https://github.com/cvdfoundation/kinetics-dataset

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --workdir ~/datasets --cfg_file ./configs/scl_transformer_k400_pretrain_config.yml --logdir ~/tmp/scl_transformer_k400_pretrain_logs


We provide the checkpoints trained by our CARL method at

Place these checkpoints at /home/username/tmp to evaluate them.

Evaluation and Visualization

Start evaluation.

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 1 evaluate.py --workdir ~/datasets --cfg_file ./configs/scl_transformer_config.yml --logdir ~/tmp/scl_transformer_logs


tensorboard --logdir=~/tmp/scl_transformer_logs

The video file of video alignment have already generated at /home/username/tmp/scl_transformer_logs


      title={Frame-wise Action Representations for Long Videos via Sequence Contrastive Learning}, 
      author={Minghao Chen and Fangyun Wei and Chong Li and Deng Cai},


The training setup code was modified from https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/tcc