
Html5 tetris game, supports two players. 支持本地双人对战的html5俄罗斯方块游戏.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

An old-fashioned html5 game, build with html5 canvas, jQuery and Bootstrap (includes vs mode).
使用HTML5 Canvas, jQuery以及Bootstrap编写,简单而又老土的俄罗斯方块游戏(支持双人).

Click this link to play the game.

Build - use yeoman (grunt, bower)

*Note: If you use linux/mac, please make sure git is installed. If you use windows, please make sure git for windows is installed, so you can run build commands in git bash.

To build, install nodejs first, then run these commands:

$ sudo npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
$ git clone https://github.com/jarontai/tetris.git
$ cd tetris
$ bower install
$ sudo npm install
$ grunt build

To preview, run these commands:

$ grunt serve

Screenshots (截图)


one player

two players

构建 - 使用yeoman (grunt, bower)

注意:linux/mac用户请先确认git已经安装好;windows用户请安装git for windows,构建命令请在git bash下面运行。


$ sudo npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
$ git clone https://github.com/jarontai/tetris.git
$ cd tetris
$ bower install
$ sudo npm install
$ grunt build


$ grunt serve


MIT license.


Jaron Tai - jaroncn#gmail.com (replace # with @)