
[OSDI 2024] Motor: Enabling Multi-Versioning for Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Memory

Primary LanguageC++


An open-source repository for our paper in OSDI 2024.

Ming Zhang, Yu Hua, Zhijun Yang. "Motor: Enabling Multi-Versioning for Distributed Transactions on Disaggregated Memory". In 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2024, Santa Clara, California, USA, July 10 - 12, 2024.

Brief Introduction

In modern datacenters, memory disaggregation unpacks monolithic servers to build network-connected distributed compute and memory pools to improve resource utilization and deliver high performance. The compute pool leverages distributed transactions to access remote data in the memory pool and provide atomicity and strong consistency. Existing single-versioning designs have been constrained due to limited system concurrency and high logging overheads. Although the multi-versioning design in the conventional monolithic servers is promising to offer high concurrency and reduce logging overheads, which however fails to work in the disaggregated memory. In order to bridge the gap between the multi-versioning design and the disaggregated memory, we propose Motor that holistically redesigns the version structure and transaction protocol to enable multi-versioning for fast distributed transaction processing on the disaggregated memory. To efficiently organize different versions of data in the memory pool, Motor leverages a new consecutive version tuple (CVT) structure to store the versions together in a continuous manner, which allows the compute pool to obtain the target version in a single network round trip. On top of CVT, Motor leverages a fully one-sided RDMA-based MVCC protocol to support fast distributed transactions with flexible isolation levels. Experimental results demonstrate that Motor improves the throughput and reduces the latency compared with state-of-the-art systems. To learn more, please read our paper.


  • Hardware
    • Mellanox InfiniBand NIC (e.g., ConnectX-5) that supports RDMA
    • Mellanox InfiniBand Switch
  • Software
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
    • Programming Language: C++ 11
    • CMake: 3.3 or above
    • Compiler: g++ 7.5.0 or above
    • Libraries: ibverbs, pthread, boost_coroutine, boost_context, boost_system
  • Machines
    • 4 machines: 1 compute node and 3 memory nodes (including 1 primary and 2 backups)


  • Change the workload to run in txn/flags.h.
  • Configure compute nodes and memory nodes respectively in config/cn_config.json and config/mn_config.json.
  • If you change the number (MUST > 0) of backup replicas, please change the value of BACKUP_NUM in txn/flags.h.


We provide a shell script for easy building.

$ git clone https://github.com/minghust/motor.git
$ cd motor
  • For each cn in compute pool (boost required)
$ ./build.sh
  • For each mn in memory pool
$ ./build.sh -s

Add -d option if you want Debug mode.

PS. If you are familiar with our open-source repository FORD, you would become more easier to understand the building process and code structure of Motor.


  • For each MN, initialize RDMA, allocate memory, and load database tables.
$ cd motor
$ cd ./build/memory_node/server
$ ./motor_mempool
  • For each CN, run a benchmark after all database tables loaded.
$ cd motor
$ cd ./build/compute_node/run
$ ./run tpcc 28 3 SR # run tpcc at the serializability isolation level using 28 threads in which each thread generates 3 coroutines. The CPUs of MNs are not involved during transaction execution.

Notice. If you want to play with a different benchmark in your next run, please do not forget to change the option in txn/flags.h and rebuild Motor :)


After running, a bench_results directory is automatically generated to store the results according to the specific benchmark being evaluated. The summarized attempted and committed throughputs (K txn/sec), and the P50 and P99 latencies are reported in bench_results/<benchmark>/result.txt.


We sincerely thank the following open-source repositories (in thirdparty) that help us shorten the developing process.

  • rlib: We use rlib to handle RDMA connections. This is a convinient and easy-to-understand library.

  • rapidjson: We use rapidjson to read configurations from json files. This is an easy-to-use library.


Copyright [2023] [Ming Zhang]

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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