WordPress for Android

If you're just looking to install WordPress for Android, you can find it on Google Play. If you're a developer wanting to contribute, read on.

Helpful Resources

Developer Blog: http://dev.android.wordpress.org Source Code: http://android.svn.wordpress.org Issue Tracker and Code Browser: http://android.trac.wordpress.org/ WordPress Mobile Developer Handbook: http://make.wordpress.org/mobile/handbook/

Build Instructions

Android Studio

This project now supports the Android Studio IDE. To get started import the project as a Gradle project.

All dependencies should be installed automatically.


The full build instructions (including instructions for using Eclipse) can be found on the Tutorials & Guides page of the mobile developer handbook. Instructions for building on the command line with ant can be found below.

Building with Ant

Once you have the Android SDK installed along with the library dependencies, run the following command from the root directory of the WordPress for Android project:

android update project -p .

This will create a local.properties file that is specific for your setup. You can then build the project by running:

ant debug

You can install the package onto a connected device or a virtual device by running:

ant installd

Also see the full Android documentation, Building and Running from the Command Line.

Run Unittests

$ ./gradlew cIT