
This example uses Vispy python OpenGL-library to plot filtered LIDAR (laser scanned) point-cloud with hillshade, contour lines and color coded altitude.

Primary LanguagePython

Vispy Point-Cloud example

This example uses Vispy python OpenGL-library to plot filtered LIDAR (laser scanned) point-cloud data from a filtered dataset from Swedish Lantmäteriet.

More info in Swedish on the dataset: http://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/Hojddata/GSD-Hojddata-grid-2/.

The example data can be downloaded from: http://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/Kartor-och-geografisk-information/Hojddata/GSD-Hojddata-grid-2/Demodata/ The file should be in grid-format with file ending .asc.