
Updated John Abbott Schedule Maker software made in Nextjs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Dream Schedule Builder

Dream schedule builder is an improved version of my Jac Mock Schedule Maker. It was built with Next.js to enhance performance and usability.

Website goals:

  1. Facilitate the schedule builder process by providing an interactive interface for students.
  2. Centralize all relevant information, such as teacher ratings, so that you make educated and informed decisions without wasting time reading the PDF.
  3. Provide a way to share your schedules with your friends so you don't need to take screenshots of your schedule and send them to everyone.


  1. Advance searching.
  2. Class filtering (by rating, teacher, courses, days, etc.).
  3. Schedule saving (account creation).
  4. Sharing schedules to your friends.
  5. Autobuilder (input codes and generate schedules).