
Basil Compiler Compiler

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

BasilCC, Basil Compiler Compiler

BasilCC is a backtracking LR parser generator. It produces a finite state machine (FSM) given a context free grammar (CFG). The parser loads the FSM at runtime and builds an abstract syntax tree (AST) bottom-up as the CFG rules are reduced. Semantic actions, coded in Lua, can introduce custom nodes in the AST and traverse built-in nodes using the visitor pattern.

BasilCC generates default reductions to minimize the size and number of states in the FSM. Two states (with the same kernel rules) are collapsed into one if both produce the same shift and reduce actions over all possible lookahead tokens, and the same holds true recursively over all pairwise state transitions. The FSM provides the power of LR with minimum overhead.

Grammar File

BasilCC takes as input a grammar file containing rules and directives. Anything to the right of a pound sign (#) is a comment.

A rule states that a symbol, a noterminal, can expand to zero or more symbols. The nonterminal is on the left-hand side of an arrow, and the symbols to which it can expand are on the right. A symbol with all upper case letters is a token, a nonterminal otherwise.

For example here is a CFG accepting zero or more Ys followed by one Z.

start -> y-seq Z
y-seq ->
y-seq -> y-seq Y

A rule with the nonterminal 'start' on the left side is a start rule, and it indicates a root in the CFG. The CFG must have at least one such rule.

Attributes can follow a symbol and are used to assign lexical state, resolve parsing conflicts, and mark accepting reductions. Attributes influence the symbol in the context of the rule only. More on attributes below.

An AST node type can be paired with a rule by following the left-hand side symbol with an identifier in square brackets, after any attributes. The identifier, normalized, is the type name. The identifier is normalized by capitalizing the first letter of each word, treating (then removing) the underscore and minus sign as word delimiters.

If a node type is paired with a rule then an instance of the type, a node, is created when the rule is reduced. The node's array (the node is a Lua table) will contain a child node for each right-hand side symbol. If you define an "onNode" method then it is called when the rule is reduced, and the return value replaces the node. Unless the rule is start rule, the node will represent the left-hand side symbol as a child in a later reduction.

Here is a simple expression CFG. Five node types are introduced: AddExpr1, AddExpr2, MulExpr1, MulExpr2 and Factor.

start -> add-expr
add-expr [add-expr1] -> add-expr PLUS mul-expr
add-expr [add-expr2] -> add-expr MINUS mul-expr
add-expr-> mul-expr
mul-expr [mul-expr1] -> mul-expr TIMES factor
mul-expr [mul-expr2] -> mul-expr DIVIDE factor
mul-expr -> factor
factor [factor] -> NUMBER

A percent sign as the first non-whitespace character on a line starts a directive. Unlike a rule, a directive cannot extend over one line. There are two kinds of directives.

A keyword directive states that a token is a keyword with the given lexeme (or spelling). The list of lexemes -- each paired with a unique token number -- is stored in the FSM, so they can be referenced by your lexer. Here are a few examples:

%keyword CLASS "class"
%keyword INT "int"
%keyword NAMESPACE "namespace"

A recover directive adds a recover strategy on syntax errors. The parser can insert a token, or discard some number of tokens. Here are a few examples:

%recover insert SEMI
%recover insert RBRACE
%recover discard 5

The strategies are stored in the FSM in the order they appear. At runtime when the parser encounters a syntax error it will backtrack to the last accepting state and attempt the strategies in order. If the parser reaches an accepting state it recovers and continues, otherwise it aborts with a syntax error.


Lexical State

Every LR parser state has a lexical state. The lexical state is an integer that is derived from all possible lookahead tokens. The parser consumes tokens on demand, calling a function in the lexer when it requires the next one. The current lexical state (the one associated with the current LR parser state) is passed to the lexer on this call, allowing the lexer to make context sensitive decisions when forming the next token.

The lexical state assigned to a symbol, in its context only, transfers to all tokens in the symbol's first set.

For example the CFG below will accept one of two token sequences, A B C B or B C B. Assuming valid input, the lexical state on the first call to the lexer (to get B or A) will be 1. The lexical state to get the second B will be 2.

start -> a-opt b 1 C b 2
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->  
b -> B

BasilCC will report a lexical state conflict if there are competing lexical states in the CFG. Here is an example:

start -> a-opt B 2
a-opt -> A 1
a-opt ->

Note when the parser backtracks it may discard some tokens. The parser will cache those tokens and reuse them when advancing -- backtracking does not extend to the lexer.


Performing a backtracking LR parse is akin to searching a tree in depth-first search order. A shift/reduce or a reduce/reduce conflict introduces a branch in the tree. On a conflict the parser will try the first action -- if that one results in a failed parse then the parser will backtrack and try the other (the actions are ordered using the priories described below).

An accepting reduction will cause the parser to cancel any pending constructions of the rule's right-hand side. If, after the reduction, there no pending constructions then the reduction produces an accepting state.

The accept attribute, *, is used to indicate an accepting reduction.

If the accept attribute is on a rule's left-hand side symbol then when the rule is reduced it is an accepting reduction. Note the accept property is not assigned to the rule. Instead, it is assigned to all tokens in the rule's follow set. If a token in a follow set has the accept property then it produces an accepting reduction. This distinction is important when considering the case of an accept attribute on a right-hand side nonterminal.

If the accept attribute is on a right-hand side nonterminal then all tokens that follow it are assigned the accept property when they are collected to form the follow set for rules with the same symbol on the left-hand side.

It's a good idea to trigger accepting states even when the CFG has no conflicts. When the parser encounters a syntax error it will backtrack to the last accepting state. If there are no accepting states then the parser will backtrack to the start and recover only if it can parse the entire token stream successfully (after applying a recover strategy).

It's also important to trigger an accepting state after performing semantic actions that influence the program state.

Below is an example. The CFG accepts a sequence of declarations. To keep it simple suppose a declaration can be A, B or C followed by a semi-colon. If semantic actions add the declarations to the scope -- influencing the program state -- then you should indicate that all three are accepting reductions.

start -> decl-seq
decl-seq -> decl-seq decl
decl-seq -> decl
decl -> any-decl SEMI
any-decl * [a-decl] -> A
any-decl * [b-decl] -> B
any-decl * [c-decl] -> C


Because BasilCC generates default reductions a rule may be reduced when any token is next -- not only just the set of tokens that are valid in that context. To prevent this use the sticky attribute, <.

If a sticky attribute is on a rule's left-hand side symbol then that rule will be reduced only if a valid token is next. Like the accept attribute, the sticky property is not assigned to the rule, instead it is assigned to all tokens in the rule's follow set, and sticky tokens are not considered when searching for the rule's default reduction.

If a sticky attribute is on a right-hand side nonterminal then all tokens that follow it are assigned the sticky property when they are collected to form the follow set for rules with the same symbol on the left-hand side.

Consider the last example. The 3 rules with 'any-decl' on the left hand side will be reduced when any token is next. To make sure the reductions occur only when a SEMI is next use a sticky attribute:

start -> decl-seq
decl-seq -> decl-seq decl
decl-seq -> decl
decl -> any-decl *< SEMI
any-decl [a-decl] -> A
any-decl [b-decl] -> B
any-decl [c-decl] -> C

Shift, Reduce and First Priority

The priority attributes are used to order the actions on shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts. The parser will try the actions on a conflict in order, highest priority first. BasilCC will report an error if the actions are not ordered.

First consider a shift/reduce conflict:

start -> a-opt A
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->

This CFG will accept one A or two As. To shift first give the optional A a shift priority using the shift priority attribute, >:

start -> a-opt A
a-opt -> A >
a-opt ->

The attribute can also be used on the right-hand side:

start -> a-opt > A
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->

This results in same order, but here you're saying shift first in this context only.


start -> a-opt > A X a-opt + A
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->

Now 'a-opt' is used in two contexts, before and after an X. After the X the 'a-opt' is given a reduce priority, +. So after the X the parser will reduce first.

The same can be done by using a first priority, ^, on the last A:

start -> a-opt > A X a-opt A ^
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->

Here's a more contrived example that shows when you might prefer to use a first priority:

start -> a-or-b-opt > b-opt ^^ A
a-or-b-opt -> a-or-b
a-or-b-opt -> 
a-or-b -> A
a-or-b -> B
b-opt -> B
b-opt ->

Here the parser will shift first on A, but reduce first on B.


  • Priorities have reach (for the lack of a better word). Note 'a-or-b-opt' is given a shift priority above -- this in turn gives 'a-or-b' shift priority and this in turn gives both A and B shift priority. Priorities have unlimited reach.

  • Priorities are additive. Note the 2 first priorities on 'b-opt' above. The shift priority on 'a-or-b-opt' gives the shift action on the optional B priority. So to reduce first you need to give the reduce action 2 priorities.

The same can be done using priorities on the tokens directly:

start -> a-or-b-opt b-opt A
a-or-b-opt -> a-or-b
a-or-b-opt -> 
a-or-b -> A >
a-or-b -> B
b-opt -> B ^
b-opt ->

Here 1 first priority on B is sufficient. Note that the first priority on B influences the ordering of actions on the start rule. First priorities have unlimited reverse reach.

Here's another example:

start -> a
a -> b >
a -> c
b -> A x-opt B
c -> A y-opt B
x-opt -> T
x-opt ->
y-opt -> T
y-opt -> 

Note the conflict after shifting A. If B is next there's a reduce/reduce conflict. If T is next there's another reduce/reduce conflict after shifting it. But because 'b' is given a shift priority both conflicts are ordered in favor of 'b'. This has real applications. In C++ you favor a declaration over an expression. Implementing this is simple:

stmt -> expr
stmt -> decl >

Finally, what if after ordering actions you want to ignore the ones with the lower priority -- that is, you don't want the parser to guess. A bang, !, after any priority drops any actions with lower priority.

Here's an example:

start -> a-opt +! A
a-opt -> A
a-opt ->

Here the parser will always reduce, never backtrack. Again, this has real applications. In C++ the greater-than sign in a template-id is never a relational operator:

template-id -> name LT arg-seq GT ^!

The '>' in 'A<1>x' is always closing the template-id. Very simple to implement.