- 2
trigger pyreport when code pushed
#9 opened by Xinkle - 5
Build an isolated running environment
#2 opened by mingrammer - 1
Replace `pep8` package with `pycodestyle`
#34 opened by addianto - 0
Run as CLI against a local repository
#25 opened by xavierhardy - 1
argparse support
#13 opened by robertcsapo - 2
Check typing annotation (if any) is valid and detect obvious typing issues using mypy
#20 opened by xavierhardy - 1
black report
#19 opened by xavierhardy - 1
Check Python 3.7 compatibility
#21 opened by xavierhardy - 2
Check YAML files if any
#23 opened by xavierhardy - 2
Check shell scripts if any
#24 opened by xavierhardy - 0
Check for setup files
#22 opened by xavierhardy - 1
Check tests existence
#27 opened by xavierhardy - 0
Check Tox usage
#26 opened by xavierhardy - 0
Initial Update
#16 opened by pyup-bot - 1
Display more data from the database
#15 opened by robertcsapo - 0
Check if given repository is Python project
#12 opened by stzminjae - 5
Profiling report
#5 opened by channprj - 1
Change bootstrap to Semantic-UI
#7 opened by channprj - 2
Make analyzing faster
#4 opened by mingrammer - 0
Do not upload the external static files
#1 opened by mingrammer - 8
Permission denied (publickey) Issue.
#6 opened by Xinkle - 0
Create reporting page
#3 opened by mingrammer