
Primary LanguagePython


A tensorflow version of dssm using textcnn as feature extractor.
training data using document's title as query, document's content as hit doc in dssm.
training data size 1300w+
paper: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/learning-semantic-representations-using-convolutional-neural-networks-for-web-search/


Q means query words, here using document's title

D+ means hit docs, here using document's content

D- mean negative docs, here using negative document's content

p(Q,D+) = cosine(Q,D+)

loss fun

#loss = -reduce_mean{log(p(Q,D+)) + log(1-p(Q,D-))} + lambda * L2_loss loss = -reduce_mean{log(p(Q,D+))} + lambda * L2_loss


In my practice:
little learning_rate, such as 0.001, easier to converge, when using 0.01 not coverge any more, loss jump largely.
small conv output,such as 64, easier to training
active function tanh get better,relu usally got nan loss

cdssm2.py tanh - loss

Alt loss

sentence_len = 1000
embedding_size = 128
batch_size = 500
vocab,vocab_idx = load_vocab()
vocab_size = len(vocab) # 4469
print 'vocab_size',vocab_size
#filter_sizes = [3,4,5]
filter_sizes = [1,2,3,4,5]
num_filters = 64
hidden_sizes = [embedding_size]
NEG = 4
learning_rate = 0.001
activeFn = tf.nn.tanh
model_path = "./model"
summary_path = "./train_summeray"