
RL agent that is trained to catch moving pucks in a complex environment, with DQN, AC, A2C and more.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains several policy gradient implementations (as well as RQN) of Puck_Catching_Agent designed in physics_learning_rl. For different algorithms' experiment, evaluation and optimization.

Using the same simulator as used in physics_learning_rl.


  1. RQN (Recurrent Q-Network) with LSTM

    This is the pytorch version of the RQN Puck_Catching_Agent (the pretrined-model in transfer learning framework) used in physics_learning_rl.

  2. Actor-Critics

    Update A-C networks during each step, both with LSTM. Critics predicts action value.

Algorithms plan to have

  1. Advantage Actor-Critics (A2C)

    Update A-C networks after a whole episode, both with LSTM. Critics predicts state value.

Further task

Multi-agent framework:

  1. Let agents learn to catch a same puck.
  2. team-work to control other pucks to push a target puck to goal.

Package dependency

  • python 3.7+
  • pytorch 1.2.0+
  • pyduktape 0.0.6