
A simple homepage replacement for your web browser, written in React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Propulsion is a 'New Tab' browser replacement for your web browser! It is a clone of the popular browser extension Momentum.

The purpose of this project is to recreate most of Momentum in React, with a few additions, such as a frequently used tablist, and a button which fetches random pictures of dogs.

Technologies Used

What technologies you used that helped you build this project.

  • Javascript
  • React
  • React Router
  • Bulma CSS Library
  • VSCode (for coding)
  • Google Chrome (for debugging and server running purposes)


You should see a Wireframe, please load!!

User Stories

  • There should be a clock displayed at the top of the page.
  • There should be a line of text greeting me based on the time of day.
  • There should be a list of frequently used websites, which will be displayed on the webpage.
  • I should be able to see the weather at the bottom of the page.
  • I should be able to see random pictures of dogs pulled from the Internet, on the click of a button.
  • I should be able to add new URLs through a form.
  • I should be able to read the rationale of this project through an About Page.

Planning and Development Process

I began planning this by looking at example projects built in React. I wanted a project that was simple enough for me to execute within a week, leaving additional leeway for bug-fixing and errors (which really did happen)! I eventually settled on a New Tab page, involving me pulling a motivational quote API.

However, after going through numerous motivational quote APIs, all failed due to opaque responses and my browser's CORS policy, which I discovered was unsolvable without a CORS proxy server. I then settled on a weather, dog, and AirTable API.

All this was documented on paper in really messy wireframes (see below for final draft).

I needed a nice CSS library to spruce up my otherwise plain design. I chose Ant.design, but left it as it had incomplete documentation. I then chose Material UI, which was good, but overly complicated for my needs. I finally settled on Bulma, which was the perfect fit and really easy to style.

The next few days saw me coding and testing the project.

Problem-Solving Strategy

First, I googled. Google really helps. As well as YouTube/Stack Overflow.

Second, if I couldn't find anything, I'll ask my classmates, or my TAs and lecturer.

I never got a third option as my classmates, TAs, and lecturer were incredibly helpful :) (thanks Sam & Simon)

Unsolved problems

There is currently no way to remove a frequently used tab without going into the AirTable website. I intend to add this in a future iteration. I also want to implement a site-wide dark mode, which will probably require quite a lot of CSS refactoring.

APIs Used

  • Data.gov.sg

This API is the Singapore Government's own public database. I pulled the 24H weather from it.

  • AirTable [Limited to 5 refreshes per second, pls don't abuse arigato~!]

This API allows me to store information (like my frequently used websites) in the cloud. I used this for the frequently used website portion.

  • Random.dog

This API pulls random pictures of truly adorable dogs from the far reaches of cyberspace. I used this for my random dog generator portion.

Acknowledgments (in no particular order)

  • Google
  • Stack Overflow
  • YouTube
  • God
  • my classmates from SEI-30
  • my TAs from SEI-30 (Jun Siang, Sam Tan)
  • my lecturer from SEI-30 (Simon Lau)
