
A simple text-based RPG game written in jQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SEI30 - Project 1 (Individual Game)

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Produced by Gordon Chia, Student, SG-SEI-30.


In 2081, 60 years into the future, cyberspace has interspersed into reality through advanced VR implants. Websites, and by extension programs, are now physical locations, which can be traversed by simply walking into the area.

However, despite the advancement of technology, megacorporations have taken over the world, opening a divide between the rich and the poor. They have also stolen crucial programming knowledge for manipulating the world, often murdering citizens by simply deleting their tags, rendering them braindead.

S1M0N, a veteran cyberwarrior from 2021, wakes up from cryosleep and is tasked by his rebel employers to break into the megacorp’s CTRLPROG (control program), and steal an ancient library known as jQuery, known by all to be the key in manipulating reality.

Getting caught will mean certain death through the $("s1m0n").remove(); function. Will he succeed?

Overall Game Flow

  • The title page shows you the prologue
  • You start in the main room, where the objective is to find the clues in order to steal the library and escape.
  • Some "clues" are actually rigged death buttons - if you die, you restart with no clues.
  • The entire game is point and click, just click the buttons - both to select clues and to move around the rooms.

Most challenging part

The most challenging part of the project was getting the data structure and planning the functions out. Once that was done, everything just fell into place.

Further work and next steps

  • Change all alerts to jQuery modals
  • Add more sounds
  • Add useless clues, and a rewritable inventory