
🔥🔥🔥A powerful .NET Restful Http framework, supports interceptor, message conversion, Get, Post, Put, Delete, file upload, file download, Proxy, Https certificate verification

Primary LanguageC#

Table of contents

About Retrofit.Net

🔥🔥🔥A powerful .NET Restful Http client, supports interceptor, message conversion, Get, Post, Put, Delete, file upload, file download, Proxy, Https certificate verification

Support Runtime Version

Target Framework Version Yes/No
.NET 8.x Yes
.NET 7.x Yes
.NET 6.x Yes
.NET 5.x No
.NET Core 3.x No
.NET Core 2.x No
.NET Standard 2.1 No
.NET Standard 2.0 No
.NET Standard 1.x No
.NET Framework All No


  dotnet add package RetrofitNet

The Restfull with Retrofit.Net

Define your Api

public interface IPersonService
  Response<TokenModel> GetJwtToken([FromForm] AuthModel auth);

  Response<IList<Person>> Get();

  Response<Person> Add([FromBody] Person person);

  Response<Person> Get([FromPath] int id);

  Response<Person> Update([FromPath] int id, [FromBody] Person person);

  Response<Person> Delete([FromPath] int id);
  Response<dynamic> GetBaiduHome();

Set up basic url configuration and more

using Retrofit.Net.Core;
using Retrofit.Net.Core.Models;

var client = new RetrofitClient.Builder()
    .AddInterceptor(new HeaderInterceptor())
var retrofit = new Retrofit.Net.Core.Retrofit.Builder()
var service = retrofit.Create<IPersonService>();
Response<TokenModel> authResponse = service.GetJwtToken(new AuthModel() { Account = "admin", Password = "admin" });

Send Get request

Response<IList<Person>> response = await service.Get();

Send Post request

Response<Person> response = await service.Add(new Person { Id = 1,Name = "老中医",Age = 18});

Send Put request

var response = service.Update(1, new Person() { Name = "Charlie" });

Send Delete request

var response = service.Delete(1);

Uploading multiple files to server by FormData


public class SubmitEntity
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public FieldFile File { get; set; }
    // You can upload multiple files including parameters like this
    // public FieldFile File2 { get; set; }
    // for more File3,File4...


var response = service.Submit(new SubmitEntity{ 
        Name = "老中医",
        File = new FieldFile{ FilePath = "/Users/onllyarchibald/Downloads/icon_unlocked.png" }

…you can find more examples code here.

Get Response Stream

Define your api:

Task<Response<Stream>> Download([FromQuery]string arg1);


Response<Stream> response = await service.Download("test");

Downloading file

After getting the http reactive stream, you can store it,like this:

Response<Stream> response = await service.Download("test");
Stream outStream = File.Create("/Users/onllyarchibald/Desktop/a.zip");
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int i;
    i = response.Body!.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length);
    if(i > 0)outStream.Write(buffer,0,i);
}while(i > 0);
Console.WriteLine("File download completed...");

The screenshot below uses the ShellProgressBar plugin. Please see the code for details. Downloading …you can find more examples code here.


application/json    -> [FromBody]
multipart/form-data -> [FromForm]

Retrofit.Net Configuration

Here you can configure 'interceptor', 'timeout', 'response' converter. like this:

var client = new RetrofitClient.Builder()
    .AddInterceptor(new HeaderInterceptor())     // Add Interceptor
    .AddInterceptor(new SimpleInterceptorDemo()) // ...
    .AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) // The default wait time after making an http request is 6 seconds
var retrofit = new Retrofit.Net.Core.Retrofit.Builder()
    .AddBaseUrl("https://localhost:7283") // Base Url
    .AddConverter(new DefaultXmlConverter()) // The internal default is ‘DefaultJsonConverter’ if you don’t call ‘.AddConverter(new DefaultJsonConverter())’

you can find more examples code here.

Response Schema

The response for a request contains the following information.

public class Response<T>
   // Http message
   public string? Message { get; internal set; }
   // Response body. may have been transformed, please refer to Retrofit.Builder.AddConverterFactory(...).
   public T? Body { get; internal set; }
   // Http status code.
   public int StatusCode { get; internal set; }
   // Response headers.
   public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>? Headers { get; internal set; }

When request is succeed, you will receive the response as follows:

Response<IList<Person>> response = await service.Get();


For each http request, We can add one or more interceptors, by which we can intercept requests 、 responses and errors.

... RetrofitClient.Builder()
    .AddInterceptor(new YourCustomInterceptor())

Simple interceptor:

public class SimpleInterceptorDemo : ISimpleInterceptor
    public void OnRequest(Request request)
        Debug.WriteLine($"REQUEST[{request.Method}] => PATH: {request.Path}");

    public void OnResponse(Response<dynamic> response)
        Debug.WriteLine($"RESPONSE[{response.StatusCode}] => Message: {response.Message}");

Advanced interceptor

Advanced interceptors can be implemented by inheriting the IAdvancedInterceptor interface. Then I will tell you through an example of token renewal

public class HeaderInterceptor : IAdvancedInterceptor
    public Response<dynamic> Intercept(IChain chain)
        // Get token from local file system
        string? token = null;
        if(File.Exists("token.txt"))token = File.ReadAllText("token.txt");

        // Add token above
        Request request = chain.Request().NewBuilder()
            .AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}")

        Response<dynamic> response = chain.Proceed(request);
        if(response.StatusCode == 401)
            // Get a new token and return
            // The way to get the new token here depends on you,
            // you can ask the backend to write an API to refresh the token
            request = chain.Request().NewBuilder()
                .AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer <new token>")
            // relaunch!
            response = chain.Proceed(request);
        return response;

Resolve and reject the request

In all interceptors, you can interfere with their execution flow. If you want to resolve the request/response with some custom data,you can call return new Response<dynamic>();.

public Response<dynamic> Intercept(IChain chain)
    return new Response<dynamic>();


Converter allows the request/response data to be changed before it is sent/received to the server. I have implemented a DefaultXmlConverter and DefaultJsonConverter as the default converter. If you want to customize the conversion of request/response data, you can define a class that inherits'IConverter' and replace DefaultJsonConverter by setting .AddConverter(new YourCustomConverter()).

public class DefaultJsonConverter : IConverter
    // value:        Data returned from the server
    // type:         The return type of the interface you declared
    // return value: What type do you want to convert to? Here is to convert the json returned by the server /// to the interface return type you defined
    public object? OnConvert(string from, Type to)
        if(from is null)return from;
        if (to == typeof(Stream))return from;
        if (to?.Namespace?.StartsWith("System") is not true)
            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(from.ToString() ?? "",to!);
        return from;

you can find more examples code here.

Https certificate verification

Copyright & License

This open source project authorized by https://github.com, and the license is MIT.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


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