This project is a starting point for a ESC/POS Printer
Clone this project
Copy packages/flutter_starpos_printer in to your root project
Add to project dependencies like this
path: 'packages/flutter_starpos_printer'
- Run flutter pub get to install
flutter pub get
- Init and connect printer
PrinterController controller = PrinterController();
BluetoothDevice? printer;
Future<void> initStarPOSPrinter() async {
await controller.initBluetoothPrinter(
onSuccess: (device) {
printer = device;
setState(() {});
onFailure: (error) {
print('--> error : ${error}');
- Call init in initState
void initState() {
- Basic command to get Bluetooth printer information
void check(){
bool connected = printer.isConnected;
String printerName = printer.platformName;
String printerAddress = printer.remoteId.str;
- Print bitmap
* @params imagePath: /assets/image/test.png
Future<void> startPrinting(String imagePath) async {
final ByteData byte = await rootBundle.load(imagePath);
final Uint8List bytes = byte.buffer.asUint8List();
// printer?.initPrinter(); // optional
printer?.printRasterBitmap(bytes, 0);
- Check BluetoothDevice for more supported commands