
Personal neovim configuration

Primary LanguageLua

My Personal NeoVim Config 🚀


  • nvim auto complete
  • lsp auto complete (for ruby, JS, Lua, etc.)
  • file explorer (nvim-tree)
  • file/text search (with telescope and fzf)
  • tmux
  • code comment
  • auto pairs
  • gitsigns integration
  • custom keybinds (for tmux, nvim, nvim-tree, etc.)
  • some visual improments (nvim status line, theme, etc.)


  • True color terminal (iterm2)
  • Neovim
  • Nerdfont
  • NodeJS (for some nvim plugins to work correctly)

Local machine directory structure

  • Make sure .config/nvim/ directory exist on machine
  • Create the .config/nvim/ directory if needed


  • Clone this repo into .config/nvim/: git clone git@github.com:minhdao/nvim_config.git ~/.config/nvim/
  • Save plugins-setup.lua to install plugins