React Boilerplate with Typescript and Apollo Client

A React-typescript configuration template for projects using apollo client as their state management with a connection to a Graphql server.

Table of Contents


In order to use this template, you should have a basic understanding of React and Apollo Client.

Running the Boilerplate

1. git clone <YOUR PROJECT NAME>


3. rm -rf .git : remove the git folder and initiate your own git ...

4. yarn (or npm i )

5. yarn start (or npm start)

.env Configuration

By now, I think you have realized that the apollo folder relies on some kind of server link. Here is the way to setup your .env file if you are planning to use it:

  1. create an environment file (.env) in your root folder

  2. populate using the .env.example file :

     REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_HOST =  localhost


  • Typescript - A superset of Javascript providing static typing, classes and interfaces.
  • Apollo Client - A fully-featured caching GraphQL client with integrations for React which allows you to easily build UI components that fetch data via GraphQL.Learn More
  • Apollo Cache Persist - Utilizes async storage to persist and rehydrate the Apollo store
  • React Router DOM - A collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application.
  • Styled Components - Powerful CSS in JS module providing template literals to support dynamic styling.Learn More
  • Ant Design - An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components, one of best React UI library for enterprises.Learn More
  • EsLint/Prettier/Airbnb linting style - Enforces code styling, and standards. Airbnb's tslint guidelines are followed by default.
  • React-i18next - A powerful internationalization framework for React based on i18next.Learn More
  • Test - Testing support for React and apollo client.
  • Storybook - Enables developers to test UI components in isolation.Learn More
  • Server Connection - Used to setup a connection a hasura or GraphQL API server.Learn More on Hasura

Folder Structure

This is a setup of the src folder structure:

	 |── apollo                 # contains all the apollo client setting and server settings							
	 |── app		            # contains the Routing of the application 
	 |── assets                 # contains the images and other medias needed throughout the app
	 |── components             # contains the reusable components (Atomic Design Structure)
	 |── generated              # contains the graphql file generated by graphql-codegen
	 |── locales                # contains every languages that the app will use throughout the app
	 |── pages                  # contains all the pages of the app
	 |── stories                # contains all the stories being used in StoryBook
	 |── styles                 # contains the custom styles and global styles
	 |── types                  # contains all the Typescript declaration files 
	 └── utils                  # contains all the extra helper function that can be used in the app

Setup Explanation


This folder is where everything that has to do with apollo and graphql API is setup.

├── cache                     # contains the cache setup files
├── middlewares               # contains every file that has something to do with the API
└── state                     # contains every apollo client state(basically the store) and its resolvers and queries


This folder contains our reusable components. It is based on atomic design. There are five distinct levels in atomic design:

Note: In this boiler plate Pages is out of the components folder ( My preference 😅)

├── atoms                    
├── molecules               
├── organisms                
└── templates


This folder contains all of the languages that you will be using in your project

├── en
│   └── translation.json
└── ko
    └── translation.json

Note: You will learn how to extract all of the languages of your app with a script command in the scripts section


this folder contains all of your storybook components. For more information on stroybook and how to create stroies. click here.

Running the scripts command

start: starts the application

build: generate a production-ready build folder in your root folder

test: run an overall test based on every test file contained in the project

lint: lintify all of the .tsand .tsx files based on our .eslintrc file

gen: generate TypeScript typings out of your GraphQL schema

extract: extracts all the texts that are not in the translation files and add them

storybook: starts the storybook server/app


You are welcome to add a feature or improve this boilerplate since I believe that there is multiple ways to use these tools.

To contribute to <project_name>, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/<location>
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.