Most skin cancers are locally destructive cancerous (malignant) growth of the skin. They originate from the cells of the epidermis, the superficial layer of the skin and the majority of them rarely spread to other parts of the body and become life-threatening, ecxept for Melanoma which is lethal.
There are three major types of skin cancer: (1) basal cell carcinoma (the most common), (2) squamous cell carcinoma (the second most common) and (3) melanoma
The images used for this CNN excercise cover two cancerous types; bcc and mel,together with another 5 benign types; Akiec,Bkl,Df,Nv,and Vasc
Abbreviation Full name Bcc Basal cell carcinoma Mel Melanoma Akiec Actinic keratoses and intraepithelial carcinoma Bkl Benign lesions of the keratosis Df Dermatofibroma Nv Melanocytic nevi Vasc Vascular lesions
- The main mission of this project was to create an app using CNN and Keras to diagnose the mole images. The app could predict whether the image detected/loaded is cancerous or benign
https://melanomia-detection.herokuapp.com/ https://share.streamlit.io/minhhienvo368/cancer-detector/main/mole_detection.py
*On Windows $ virtualenv venv $ \venv\scripts\activate
Or if using Linux/ MACOS $ python3 -m venv myvenv $ source myvenv/bin/activate
Install the requirements: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app: $ python app.py
- Python 3.9
- os
- numpy==1.19.5
- pandas==1.3.3
- matplotlib.pyplot==3.4.2
- itertools
- seaborn
- sklearn
- tensorflow.keras
- Keras==2.4.3
- Pillow==8.3.1
- scikit-learn==0.24.2
- streamlit==0.88.0
- tensorflow-cpu==2.5.0
File | Description |
mole_detection.py | Main python code |
mole_model.py | Python code with Neural network model |
mole_preprocessing.py | Python code for visuals (dataset and results) |
visuals | Folder including the plots presented on the Readme |
NoCan App Presentation | Powerpoint presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IPsoEJlo0RAcnG8BPl25Rd-0FjspsNQpU9mjD7WalmM/edit#slide=id.g1f87997393_0_864 |
The dataset used for the model can be found at https://www.kaggle.com/kmader/skin-cancer-mnist-ham10000 It was created by Tschandl et al. 2018.
Name | Github |
Amaury van Kesteren | https://github.com/AmauryvanKeste |
Heba Elabrak | https://github.com/Helabrak |
Michel OMBESSA | https://github.com/mdifils |
Minh Hien Vo | https://github.com/minhhienvo368 |
20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021