An Environmental Engineer with a passion for R and MATLAB. I might possibly start to learn C++ or Arduino. Don't hesitate to contact me via Email or Linkedin
Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
Pinned Repositories
This is a prototype version of the app I designed for my lab, B9 Forest ecology lab. We basically do analysis on root mass dataset on the project Multiple Element Limitations (MELNHE).
I love R. I care about global warming. So in this dataset about carbon data, I perform data analysis to analyze the trend of carbon in the atmosphere over the time of the Earth.
Using R programming and data obtained from US census data, I perform analysis on the US population to gain some insights on them
I used MATLAB to create simple program that can do directional derivatives. It helps College students to check the answer for their homework.
This is the program that can solve system of Linear equation by Gaussian Elimination method
This is an optional project I did during my Prob & Stats class in HCMUT. It was the dataset of 2 school in Europe. Using R, I perform simple data analysis and also use Linear Regression to identify which factors affect student final grade.
In this project, I will create some functions that MATLAB does not covered. Usually they are mathematics, data analytics and debugging
By coding on matrix, I was able to develop my ability to use iterations and branches at a higher level in programming
I used my MATLAB skills to create simple scientific calculator. It can do integrals, derivatives, and solve quadratic equations
Using MATLAB, I create a simple Student Management program. This program has following features: Entering and deleting student data, presenting student data in several different types of graphs, finally it can export the data into excel file automatically.
minhkhoi2404's Repositories
In this project, I will create some functions that MATLAB does not covered. Usually they are mathematics, data analytics and debugging
This is a prototype version of the app I designed for my lab, B9 Forest ecology lab. We basically do analysis on root mass dataset on the project Multiple Element Limitations (MELNHE).
I love R. I care about global warming. So in this dataset about carbon data, I perform data analysis to analyze the trend of carbon in the atmosphere over the time of the Earth.
Using R programming and data obtained from US census data, I perform analysis on the US population to gain some insights on them
I used MATLAB to create simple program that can do directional derivatives. It helps College students to check the answer for their homework.
This is the program that can solve system of Linear equation by Gaussian Elimination method
This is an optional project I did during my Prob & Stats class in HCMUT. It was the dataset of 2 school in Europe. Using R, I perform simple data analysis and also use Linear Regression to identify which factors affect student final grade.
By coding on matrix, I was able to develop my ability to use iterations and branches at a higher level in programming
Obtaining the data from the US Museums and Natural Centers. I perform simple R analysis to gain insight about US Museums and Natural Centers data
I used my MATLAB skills to create simple scientific calculator. It can do integrals, derivatives, and solve quadratic equations
Using MATLAB, I create a simple Student Management program. This program has following features: Entering and deleting student data, presenting student data in several different types of graphs, finally it can export the data into excel file automatically.
Obtaining the COVID 19 Data, I perform simple analysis on the COVID situation of several countries.