
A collection of must-read AI-related papers

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Must-Read AI papers

A collections of must-read AI-related papers.

I read a lot of papers that now I think I should keep track of them. In this list, I list papers that I think are important in AI/ML/DL (and even other topics).

Disclaimer: the list is totally opinion-based and does not mean "you should read X and should not read Y". Mostly, the papers are rated based on the idea and impact rather than the SOTA leaderboard and the conference/journal they are published in. Yes, number of citations is not rated.

Note: the year is noted as the lastest version on arXiv/OpenReview.

SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME. Create a pull request, issue, or drop me a message on LinkedIn or email (link on my main profile). Note that I do not promote papers, so I will not response to messages like "Hey my method is novel, can you add it?". I am open to discussions and collaborations.

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