A documentation generator
Clone the jpf-core project
hg clone http://babelfish.arc.nasa.gov/hg/jpf/jpf-core /path/to/jpf-core
Build JPF-core
cd /path/to/jpf-core ant
Clone the jConstraints project
git clone git@github.com:psycopaths/jconstraints.git /path/to/jconstraints
cd /path/to/jconstraints mvn install # the built jar is found at target/jconstraints-[VERSION].jar
Install z3 and the Java binding for z3, both at version 4.4.1.
Install the Java binding for z3 into the local Maven repo.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path/to/com.microsoft.z3.jar -DgroupId=com.microsoft -DartifactId=z3 -Dversion=4.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar
Clone the jConstraints-z3 project
git clone git@github.com:psycopaths/jconstraints-z3.git /path/to/jconstraints-z3
cd /path/to/jconstraints-z3 mvn install # the built jar is found at target/jconstraints-z3-[VERSION].jar
Copy the built jar into the right directory
cd /path/to/jconstraints-z3 mkdir -p $HOME/.jconstraints/extensions cp /path/to/com.microsoft.z3.jar target/jconstraints-z3-[VERSION].jar $HOME/.jconstraints/extensions
Clone the JDart project
git clone git@github.com:psycopaths/jdart.git /path/to/jdart
cd /path/to/jdart ant
Create the configuration file for JDart at
with the following contentjpf-core = /path/to/jpf-core jpf-jdart = /path/to/jdart extensions = ${jpf-core} @using = jpf-jdart