
Rotating TOR proxy with Docker

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Docker Pulls

               Docker Container
                        <-> Polipo 1 <-> Tor Proxy 1
Client <---->  HAproxy  <-> Polipo 2 <-> Tor Proxy 2
                        <-> Polipo n <-> Tor Proxy n

Why: Lots of IP addresses. One single endpoint for your client. Load-balancing by HAproxy.


# build docker container
docker build -t minhphuc429/rotating-tor-proxy:latest .

# ... or pull docker container
docker pull minhphuc429/rotating-tor-proxy:latest

# start docker container
docker run -d -p 5566:5566 -p 4444:4444 --env tors=25 minhphuc429/rotating-tor-proxy

# test with ...
curl --proxy https://api.my-ip.io/ip

# monitor

Usage with make

  1. Install make command line utility

  2. Copy example.env as .env and edit settings

  3. Use make commands

# start docker container
make run

# stop and remove container
make remove

# Alternatively, using Docker Service
make service

See Makefile for full list of available shortcuts.

Further Readings

Please note: Tor offers a SOCKS Proxy only. In order to allow communication from HAproxy to Tor, Polipo is used to translate from HTTP proxy to SOCKS proxy. HAproxy is able to talk to HTTP proxies only.