
A list of installation and helpful tricks related to the DSP group projects.
Any suggestions and pull requests are welcome.


Using Jupyter Notebook inside the Docker

Log into the cluster from your local computer:

ssh -L -L -X

On the cluster, create a docker container:

nvidia-docker run -p -p --rm -ti --name tanpytorch --hostname insideDocker -v /home/tan/:/root/ -v /mnt/project2/tanData/:/tanData/ tannguyen1989/efficientcnn:latest /bin/bash

Inside the docker container, launch jupyter notebook

jupyter notebook --port 8887 --ip --allow-root
jupyter notebook --port 8888 --ip --allow-root

Copy the link and paste it into your local internet browser

If you would like to use JupyterLab instead of the notebook, use the following command to launch the lab

jupyter lab --port 8887 --ip --allow-root
jupyter lab --port 8888 --ip --allow-root

You can find instruction to install JupyterLab here: The easiest way to install JupyterLab is to use pip.

pip install jupyterlab

If you are interested in using Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab, the following tutorials will be useful.

On a general cluster, follow the instruction below

For example

ssh -L 6889:localhost:6889 -L 6888:localhost:6888 -X
nvidia-docker run -p 6889:6889 -p 6888:6888 --rm -ti --name tandocker-graph --ipc=host --hostname insideDocker -v /home/tanmnguyen89/:/root/ -v /mnt/tanData:/tanData/ tannguyen1989/pytorch_tan:base-0.2 /bin/bash
jupyter lab --ip --port 6889 --allow-root

Then access the jupyter lab at


After that, enter the token and set up the password.

Using standalone Tensorboard inside the Docker

Add the -p parameter to the nvidia-docker run command. For example,

nvidia-docker run -p --rm -ti --name tanmxnet4 --hostname insideDocker -v /home/tan/:/root/ -v /mnt/project2/tanData/:/tanData/ tannguyen1989/ld-drm:latest /bin/bash

Once that is done, make a directory named logs and run

tensorboard --logdir=./logs --port 6006 --host

Then, go into a (local) browser and type

Useful Docker Commands

Commit contents in container de020b9b1da7 to the docker image tannguyen1989/ld-drm:latest

docker commit de020b9b1da7 tannguyen1989/ld-drm:latest

Push the docker image tannguyen1989/ld-drm:latest to docker hub

docker push tannguyen1989/ld-drm:latest

Kill a docker container tanmxnet

docker kill tanmxnet

List all docker containers

docker ps

Attach to a docker container

docker exec -it tanmxnet /bin/bash

Useful Commands to Transferring Files

scp -r /Users/Owl/Downloads/Dockerfile.rtf

Useful Commands to Monitor the Server

Find RAM, Swap memory, CPU usage

top OR htop

Users logged in


Login History


Monitor GPU usage every 2 seconds, default is 2 seconds

watch -n 2 nvidia-smi

Tricks to Work with Screen

While the screen is running, if we would like to start logging the output from that screen, do the following:

Ctrl + a:logfile  <name-of-log-file>
Ctrl + a Shift + h

If we want to copy the current output of a screen to a file, do the following:

Ctrl + a h


Ctrl + a:hardcopy -h <filename>

If we would like to copy the whole rollback buffer, then do the following:

Ctrl + a:writebuf <filename>

We can also log the screen from its start by doing the following:

screen -S <screenname> -L -Logfile <log_filename>

Recover Deleted Files on the Server

Install testdisk

sudo apt install testdisk

To recover files run testdisk /dev/sdX where sdX is the disk's name (type df to see all the disks). Select your partition table type (table type is None for the terminator1). After this, select [ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils , then choose your partition. Now you can browse and select deleted files and copy them to another location in your filesystem by following the instructions given by testdisk at the bottom of your window.

Other Useful Tricks for Working with Remote Servers

Keep the connection between the terminal and the server alive

  • In ~/.ssh/config, add the following:
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 240
  • Then do
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

Tricks to Submit on arXiv

use \cite{} and do not use package natbib

Download and Upload from Google Drive when Using Terminal on a Remote Server

Kill background processes

ps -eaf
sudo kill -9 PID
More at:

Log all data from Tensorboard
The application file can be found here: /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorboard/backend

Rsync files of a certain extension recursively from a folder

rsync -rav -e ssh --include '*/' --include='*.rigveda' --exclude='*' /Users/Owl/Documents/medusa-files/nonauto

Handle Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge

git stash push --include-untracked
git stash drop (If I don't need them anymore)

Screen with more usual bash

Preprocess ImageNet

Create SSH Keys for skipping password on Github

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Build, Tag, and Push Docker

docker build -t pytorch_tan:transformer-0.2 .
docker tag pytorch_tan:transformer-0.2 tannguyen1989/pytorch_tan:transformer-0.2
docker push tannguyen1989/pytorch_tan:transformer-0.2

Git Add Particular Files

git add ./\*.py
git commit -m "add code"
git push