
YAS: Yet Another Shop

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

YAS: Yet Another Shop

YAS is a pet project aim to practice building a typical microservice application in Java

storefront-ci storefront-bff-ci backoffice-ci backoffice-bff-ci product-ci media-ci cart-ci customer-ci

Tentative technologies and frameworks

  • Java 17
  • Spring boot 2.7
  • Next.js
  • Keycloak
  • Kafka
  • K8s
  • Github Actions
  • SonarCloud
  • OpenTelemetry
  • Jaeger

Local development architecture

Yas - local development architecture

Getting started with Docker Compose

  1. Get the latest source code
  2. Add the following records to your host file: identity api.yas.local pgadmin.yas.local storefront backoffice jaeger
  3. Open terminal of your choice, go to 'yas' directory and run docker compose up
  4. Open your favorite browser and go to http://pgadmin.yas.local. Account login: admin@yas.com / admin. Register a server: postgres, port 5432, username admin, password admin
  5. Setup Keycloak
  6. The Postgresql server is also published to the host machine: servername: localhost, port: 5432, username: admin, password: admin

Getting started with Kubernetes in Docker Desktop

  1. Get the latest source code
  2. Have your Docker desktop with Kubernetes enabled
  3. Install NGINX ingress controller kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.1.1/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
  4. In C: driver, create 2 folders k8s-yas-data/postgres and k8s-yas-data/pgadmin
  5. Run kubectl apply -f yaslocal.yaml
  6. Add identity, storefront, api.yas.local, backoffice, pgadmin.yas.local and jaeger to your host file
  7. Open your favorite browser and go to http://pgadmin.yas.local. Account login: admin@yas.com / admin. Register a server: localhost, port default, username admin, password admin. Then create a database name keycloak, media, product, cart
  8. Setup Keycloak
  9. The Postgresql server is also published to the host machine: servername: localhost, port: 30007, username: admin, password: admin

Getting started with Minikube in Ubuntu

Please see it in the wiki

Components roadmap

  • Identity service
  • Media service
  • Product service
  • Pricing service
  • Cart service
  • Order service
  • Review service


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under MIT License.

Active contributors might be asked to join the core team