
The Gaming Trends on Steam

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The Gaming Trends on Steam

Source: Steam

Steam is the biggest game distribution platform in the world with a whopping of 30,000 titles in 2020. But which titles are being played the most and which genres are popular? Is there a game or a genre that dominate the rest?

During my first project in Udacity's Data Scientist Nanodegree, I attempted to find answers for these enquiries.

Here is a link to my blog post on Medium:



This repository contains two notebooks and one dataset.

  • data_cleaning.ipynb cleans the raw dataset
  • data_visualization.ipynb provides visualizations for analysis
  • steam.csv is the raw original dataset
  • processed_steam.csv is the pre-processed dataset
  • graph/ contains useful graphs for visualization


Here are a quick summary of the analysis, these results are covered in detail in my blog post.

  1. Three titles Dota 2, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUND and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive dominate 60% of total playtime on Steam

  1. Action is so far the most popular genre

  1. Free-to-play games with in-app purchases is the way to go


This analysis uses Steam Store Games dataset, which contains steam data gathered from the Steam Store and SteamSpy APIs around May 2019.
