Notes for installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

These notes are meant to supplement the information found in these links:

This repo is broken down into 3 directories.

  • common-services - contains yaml for deploying Common Services using Operators
  • cp4i - contains yaml for deploying Cloud Pak for Integration using Operators
  • scripts - contains some utility scripts that may come in handy.

Common Services

These instructions were followed to install IBM Common Services v3.5.4. Not much changed with these files from previous versions used to install so in most cases updating the versions in the yaml files should be enough to install newer versions or you can just let the operator automatically update itself to the latest version.

In the common-services directory are several yaml files numbered 1-6

  • 01-common-service-catalog.yaml
  • 02-ibm-operator-catalog.yaml
  • 03-namespace.yaml
  • 04-common-service-subscription.yaml
  • 05-commonservice-size.yaml
  • 06-common-service-install.yaml

The installation is rather straight forward you just apply each file in order using the OC command. The script that is in that same directory attempts to put some automation around the installation complete with checks for components being completed before moving on to the next step, but it has not been fully tested. I was using it in place of this documentation to walk me through the installation.

  1. Apply common service operator catalog
oc apply -f 01-common-service-catalog.yaml
  1. Apply IBM operator catalog
oc apply -f 02-ibm-operator-catalog.yaml
  1. Create ibm-common-services-operator namespace. I diverge a little from the documentation here that suggests creating a common-services project. I prefer using ibm-common-services-operator as it fits in better with the conventions Red Hat follows to deploy operators.
oc new-project ibm-common-services-operator


oc apply -f 03-namespace.yaml

If you wish to change it back to common-services just keep in mind you will have to update the remaining yaml files. 4. Create IBM common services subscription

oc apply -f 04-common-service-subscription.yaml

wait for the subscription install to complete

oc -n ibm-common-services get csv

There should be 2; ibm-common-service-operator and operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager

  1. Setting size of common services.
oc apply -f 05-commonservice-size.yaml

The default size for common services is medium and that is what is configured in the yaml file. So if you do not wish to change from the default you can skip this step. If this is a development/sandbox installation you can save some resources by changing the size to small which will deploy single replicas of the components and reduce some of the resource requirements.

kind: CommonService
  name: common-service
  namespace: ibm-common-services
  size: small
  1. Install common services
oc apply -f 06-common-service-install.yaml
  1. Wait for common services operators to be installed
oc -n ibm-common-services get csv
  1. Wait for pods to be running. This command will show what pods are still in progress.
oc -n ibm-common-services get po | grep -v Running | grep -v Completed
  1. Get console url and admin password
echo "https://$(oc get route -n ibm-common-services cp-console -o jsonpath='{}')"
echo $(oc -n ibm-common-services get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' | base64 -d)

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

These instructions were followed to install IBM Cloud Pak for Integration v2020.3.1. Not much changed with these files from previous versions used to install so in most cases updating the versions in the yaml files should be enough to install newer versions or you can just let the operator automatically update itself to the latest version.

In the cp4i directory are several yaml files numbered 1-4

  • 01-namespace.yaml
  • 02-cp4i-subscription.yaml
  • 03-platform-navigator-install.yaml
  • 04-additional-cp4i-operators.yaml

The installation is rather straight forward you just apply each file in order using the OC command. The script that is in that same directory attempts to put some automation around the installation complete with checks for components being completed before moving on to the next step, but it has not been fully tested. I was using it in place of this documentation to walk me through the installation.

  1. Create project
oc new-project cp4i


oc apply -f 01-namespace.yaml
  1. Create ibm-entitlement-key
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key --docker-username=cp --docker-password=<your entitlement key> --namespace=cp4i
  1. Create subscription
oc apply -f 02-cp4i-subscription.yaml
  1. Wait for subscription
oc -n cp4i get csv | grep ibm-integration-platform-navigator
  1. Create Platform Navigator
oc apply -f 03-platform-navigator-install.yaml

If this is a development/sandbox environment you can change the number of replicas to save on resources

kind: PlatformNavigator
  name: cp4i-navigator
  namespace: cp4i
    accept: true
  mqDashboard: true
  replicas: 3
  version: 2020.3.1
  1. Subscribe to remaining CP4I Operators
oc apply -f 04-additional-cp4i-operators.yaml
  1. Check endpointPublishingStrategy to determine if additional configuration is required due to network policy. It was found that with many on-prem installations this setting must be made or the CP4I consoles will not work.
oc get --namespace openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default --output jsonpath='{.status.endpointPublishingStrategy.type}'

If the output from the above command is HostNetwork run this command.

oc label namespace default

Additional information regarding this configuration and why it might be required is available in the Red Hat Documentation