
Learn Relay - A comprehensive introduction to Relay (created by Graphcool)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Learn Relay

Source code for learnrelay.org


If you have a suggestion on how to improve Learn Relay please either open an issue or create a pull request by changing the source files in content.

├── connections
│   ├── cursors-pagination.md
│   └── what-is-a-connection.md
├── go-further
│   └── wrapup.md
├── images
│   ├── demo.png
│   ├── edges.png
│   ├── favicon.png
│   └── playground.png
├── introduction
│   ├── get-started-bottom.md
│   ├── get-started.md
│   └── what-is-relay.md
├── mutations
│   ├── mutation-types.md
│   ├── optimistic-updates.md
│   ├── relay-store.md
│   └── what-is-a-mutation.md
├── overview
│   ├── cover.md
│   ├── intro.md
│   └── prerequisites.md
├── queries
│   ├── containers-fragments.md
│   ├── variables.md
│   ├── what-is-a-query.md
│   └── working-with-fragments.md
└── routes
    ├── react-router-relay.md
    └── route-in-relay.md

Development CircleCI

npm install
npm start # open localhost:4300

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