Computing the Shapley Value of Tuples in Query Answering

This repository is the official implementation of "Computing the Shapley Value of Tuples in Query Answering".


  1. Installation of PostgreSQL >= 9.5
  2. Installation of ProvSQL
  3. Installation of c2d

Download and import the following databases to PostgreSQL.

  1. IMDB
  2. TPC-H

Each table should be tracked by ProvSQL.

SET search_path TO public, provsql;

SELECT add_provenance('[Table name]');
SELECT create_provenance_mapping('[Table name]_id', '[Table name]', '[Table primary index]');


Example.ipynb depict how to compute the exact Shapley value of tuples given a provenance as a d-DNNF.

Main results

notebooks directory depicts subset of the results presented in the paper.

Results include:

  • Exact computation present the computation of exact Shapley values. We investigate the running time as a function of the provenance complexity.
  • Inexact computation compare several approximation and heuristics over a wide range of metics.