_ _ __ __| | | ___ / _| / _` | |/ _ \| |_ | (_| | | (_) | _| \__,_|_|\___/|_| _ _ _ _ __ | |_| |__ ___ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ ___(_) |_ ___ ___ / _| | __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| | __/ _ \ / _ \| |_ | |_| | | | __/ | (_) | |_) | |_) | (_) \__ \ | || __/ | (_) | _| \__|_| |_|\___| \___/| .__/| .__/ \___/|___/_|\__\___| \___/|_| |_| |_| __ _ _ / _| ___ | | __| | | |_ / _ \| |/ _` | | _| (_) | | (_| |_ |_| \___/|_|\__,_(_) Unfold a folded file. Usage: $ cat hi.txt | dlof Given the file "hi.txt" is wrapped it will print out the unwrapped version to standard out. Installation: On an Arch Linux or Arch Linux derivative you can install via AUR. Assuming you have "yay" installed: $ yay -S dlof If you're not on an Arch Linux based distrobution clone this repo and run: $ make Then move the resulting "dlof" executable into your path. MIT licensed.