Gradle plugin for the Mali Texture Compression Tool
First, download and install the Mali Texture Compression Tool from the official website.
Note the path to the /bin directory once installed.
Next, add the following buildscript configuration to the top of your build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.mini2Dx', name: 'mali', version: '1.0.0'
Then add the plugin configuration to your project and set the folders/paths as appropriate.
project(":projectName") {
apply plugin: "org.mini2Dx.mali"
mali {
inputPaths = ["../preprocess/backgrounds"]
outputPaths = ["../assets/backgrounds"]
maliBinFolderPath = "/path/to/mali/bin/directory/"
etc {
enabled = true
ktx = true
mipmaps = true
The plugin will add the following tasks to your project.
Task | Description |
compressTextures | Compresses textures using Mali per the configuration |
The following example shows all options in use.
project(":projectName") {
apply plugin: "org.mini2Dx.mali"
mali {
inputPaths = ["../preprocess/backgrounds"]
outputPaths = ["../assets/backgrounds"]
//Specify paths for different platforms for cross-platform builds
maliWindowsBinFolderPath = "C:\\path\\to\\windows\\mali\\bin\\directory"
maliMacBinFolderPath = "/path/to/mac/mali/bin/directory/"
maliLinuxBinFolderPath = "/path/to/linux/mali/bin/directory/"
etc {
//Enable/disable ETC compression
enabled = false
//Set to false for slower more thorough optimal quality search
fastCompression = true
//Set to false to use non-perceptual (highest PSNR)
perceptual = true
//Set to true to use ETC2 compression.
//ETC1 is most compatible, ETC2 has highest quality.
etc2 = false
//The compressed format.
//Can be- R, R_signed, RG, RG_signed, RGB, RGBA1, RGBA8 or RGBA.
//Defaults to RGB.
format = "RGB"
//Set to true to enable mipmaps
mipmaps = false
//Set to true to ouput KTX format instead of PKM
ktx = false
//Set to true for verbose output
verbose = false
//Set to true to output progress
progress = false
astc {
//Enable/disable ASTC compression
enabled = false
//Set the speed/quality tradeoff.
//Can be veryfast, fast, medium, thorough or exhaustive.
//Defaults to medium.
compressionSpeed = "medium"
//Sets the bits per texel
bitsPerTexel = "8.0"
//Set to true to treat textures as RGBA
alphablend = false
//Set to true to treat textures as HDR
hdr = false