
This project is a minimal Makefile to build a Debian repository for the Elm compiler.

Primary LanguageMakefile


This project is a minimal Makefile to build a Debian repository for the Elm compiler.

Build the packages

Just run make -j.

The process will put:

  • the original Release files in the orig directory,
  • intermediate packaging files in the build directory,
  • the output in the output folder:
    • pubkey.gpg: this is the key used to sign the repository,
    • debian: this folder is a valid Debian repository.

Repository usage - Debian, Ubuntu, derivatives

To test the resulting repository locally, just add it:

sudo apt-key add output/pubkey.gpg
echo deb http:/localhost:8000/debian/ ./ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elm.list

serve it:

cd output
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and then you can use it:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install elm elm-format