=== SMS/Order Notification|OTP verification|Passwordless login ===
Contributors: cyberlord92, geniuszealot
Donate link: https://miniorange.com/
Tags: OTP, Login with OTP, WooCommerce SMS Notification, WooCommerce OTP, Order Notification, OTP verification, OTP registration,  email verification, phone verification, one time passcode, customer notification, passwordless login
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 6.0
Requires PHP: 5.3.0
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: MIT/Expat
License URI: https://docs.miniorange.com/mit-license

OTP Verification on Email & SMS on all forms. WooCommerce SMS Notification. PasswordLess OTP Login. Custom Gateway for OTP Verification. 24/7 support

== Description ==

= SMS/Order Notification & OTP verification on WooCommerce =
OTP Verification verifies Email Address/Mobile Number of users by sending OTP verification code during registration, login and contact form submissions. It removes the possibility of users registering with fake Email Address/Mobile Number by enabling OTP Verification. The OTP Verification plugin also checks if Email Address/Mobile Number of a user already exists. The OTP Verification plugin includes WooCommerce SMS Notification and Ultimate Member SMS Notification along with other addons listed below. The plugin ships with **10 free email and 10 free SMS transactions**.

In our OTP Plugin you can **enable OTP Verification via WhatsApp as well as send custom messages & notifications on WhatsApp.**
Enables order status notifcations, new account notifications and many more on WhatsApp.
Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

This is an add-on which allows your site to send automated WooCommerce order and WooCommerce sms notifications to buyers, sellers and admins. Buyer and seller both can get **SMS notification** after an order is placed or when the order status changes. SMS notification options can be customized in the admin panel very easily. Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

Passwordless Login is a modern way of **logging into your WordPress site without the use of a password**. The plugin allows you to easily setup Passwordless Login for your site. Users would now be able to log in using their Username and OTP. If you wish to allow our users to fallback to Username and Password then the plugin allows that as well. WooCommerce support.

This is an add-on which allows **Registration on your Wordpress site using only Phone Number instead of Email address or Username.** Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

This is an add-on which replaces the existing **WooCommerce Password reset functionality with OTP Verification**. Allow users to reset their password using OTP Verification instead of email links. Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

This is an add-on which allows **OTP Verification to be enabled for selected list of countries only**. OTP Verification for any other country out of the selected list will be blocked by the addon. Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

This is an add-on which allows **Blocking of OTP codes from being sent out before the set timer is up.** This Addon helps in limiting malicious users or unwanted OTP requests to be made by blocking the user for the time limit set. Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

This is an add-on which allows **OTP Verification over Phone Call instead of SMS.** The code will be received via a phone call to the customer. Contact us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** to know more.

== Supported Forms ==

> + [WordPress default registration form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/configure-one-time-password-verification-wordpress-default-tml-registration-form)
> + [WooCommerce registration form](http://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-woocommerce-registration-form/)
> + [WooCommerce checkout form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-woocommerce-checkout-form/)
> + [WooCommerce FrontEnd Manager form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-for-woocommerce-frontend-manager-form)
> + WooCommerce Social Login form
> + [Default WordPress Login Form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-login-form)
> + [Woocommerce Product Vendor Registration Form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-for-woocommerce-product-vendor-registration-form)
> + [WooCommerce Billing Address Form](https://plugins.miniorange.com/otp-verification-woocommerce-billing-address-update-form/)

= How does this plugin work? =
1. On submitting the registration form an Email/SMS with OTP is sent to the email address/mobile number provided by the user.
2. Once the OTP is entered, it is verified and the user gets registered.

= How is this plugin better than other plugins available? =
1. Verification of user's Email Address/Mobile Number during registration is a must these days. But what if you do not have your own SMTP/SMS gateway? With our plugin it's not necessary to have your own SMTP/SMS gateway. You can use our gateways to send OTP over Email/SMS.
2. WorldWide SMS Coverage
3. Choice to use your own SMS/SMTP Gateway.
4. Easy and hassle free setup. You just need to choose your registration form and you are good to go.
5. Customizable Email/SMS Templates.
6. WooCommerce SMS Notification features.
7. Unique integration with each form to bring you the best possible out of the box solution and customizable options.
8. World Class 24/7 Support.

Customized solutions and Support options are available. Email us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com**.

== Installation ==

= From your WordPress dashboard =
1. Visit `Plugins > Add New`
2. Search for `miniOrange OTP verification`. Find and Install `OTP verification`
3. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page

= From WordPress.org =
1. Download miniOrange otp verification.
2. Unzip and upload the `miniorange-otp-verification` directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
3. Activate miniOrange OTP verification from your Plugins page.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Why am I required to register?  =
Our very simple and easy registration saves your time of configuring WordPress email settings. You don't need to configure your own SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) gateway, our SMTP gateway is used for sending OTP.

= Which forms are supported right now? =
WordPress default registration form, WooCommerce registration form, WooCommerce checkout form,  Social Login form, Default WordPress Login Form, Woocommerce Product Vendor Registration Form, WooCommerce Billing Address Form, WCFM Form, WooCommerce Login Form

= I want support for other forms. What should I do? =
To get support for custom forms or a plugin designed form, please email us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** with a brief description of your form. You can also submit your query from the plugin's settings page.

= Can you add customized features for me? =
To get support for any customized features, please email us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** . You can also submit your query from the plugin's settings page.

= For any other query/problem/request =
Please email us at **otpsupport@xecurify.com/info@xecurify.com** . You can also submit your query from the plugin's settings page.

== Screenshots ==
1. OTP Verification Settings - Registration Form selection
2. Email Verification via OTP
3. Mobile Number Verification via OTP
4. WooCommerce SMS Notifiation settings 
5. WooCommerce SMS Notification specific setting
6. WooCommerce SMS Customized SMS delivery

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* First version of plugin.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.0 =
* First version of plugin.