- 4
Sample rate ?
#17 opened by VigibotDev - 4
Problems with pre-req of i2c module
#14 opened by kolban-google - 1
MPU-9255 and WHO_AM_I code (0x73 not 0x71)
#13 opened by nkolban - 3
Feature Request: Async code
#2 opened by psiphi75 - 0
MPU9250.PWR_MGMT_1 not define
#12 opened by lsc111 - 1
Few questions
#11 opened by Guttata - 2
getYaw always returns 0
#8 opened by icebat - 3
MPU-9250 is not a constructor
#10 opened by rafcichosz - 5
never get into mpu.initialize()
#7 opened by DokRaphael - 1
npmjs behind git
#9 opened by julianrutten - 2
npm module is not published
#6 opened by psiphi75