IEEE SBM Coding Winter Task

The winter task has been divided into weeks. You are requested to complete each week within the deadline.

Before you start

  • Install git
  • Sign up on GitHub
  • Send us your GitHub username (We'll add you as a collaborator)
  • Do not fork.
  • Clone this repository ( on your machine
  • Create a branch with branch name: "firstname-lastname"
  • You submissions should be done to this branch. NOT MASTER

How to Submit

We will use this repository to maintain all your submissions. Use the following directions for each of your submissions:

Task 0

  • Create your branch and checkout it
  • Overwrite the "" file with the stuff in file
  • Submit it
  • Setup C on your computer

Task 1

Note: From this task onward, create a folder with name: "Task:{task-number} and add your submissions there."


  • Program Structure
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Control Statements (Selection + Iteration)


  • Program to print “Hello World”
  • Program to find area from l and b entered by user
  • Enter two numbers, find their sum, diff, multi and division
  • Program to find if a given number is even or odd
  • Program to find greatest of three numbers