
Joyent instance lifecycle tools with attitude

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Manic Baker

Build Status Code Climate

Note: Most of the functionality in this repository is better implemented in Vagrant or Knife.

Manic Baker lets you do all the stuff you want for a full continuous deployment cycle on Joyent:

  1. Spin up a new Joyent base image
  2. Bootstrap the new node into Chefable condition
  3. Parbake your application code
  4. Run your runlist using soloist
  5. Snapshot the Joyent instance
  6. Scale instances up or down using a snapshot id


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'manic_baker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install manic_baker


Manic Baker has a totally baller command line interface.

$ manic parbake 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

    start  base image '0000-2bad-54e5-a-ba7'
      run  bootstrap.sh
    rsync  copying this directory to /opt/app
     chef  not_sql::default
     chef  your_awesome_application::default
     chef  runit::your_awesome_application
 snapshot  created with id '1d6af-is-that-a-sha'
     stop  build complete

$ manic parbake 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

      oop  snapshot '1d6af-is-that-a-sha' already exists

$ manic boot no-snapshot-called-this

      oop  snapshot 'no-snapshot-called-this' not found

$ manic boot 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

    start  snapshot '1d6af-is-that-a-sha' booting
  waiting  ...
    bound  instance is now available at

$ manic boot 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

     nope  an instance of '1d6af-is-that-a-sha' is running

$ manic boot --plz --scale=2 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

     fine  whatever
    panic  running over instance at
  waiting  ...
     done  it was looking at me funny
    start  snapshot '1d6af-is-that-a-sha' booting
  waiting  ...
  scale.1  instance is now available at
  scale.2  instance is now available at

$ manic panic 1d6af-is-that-a-sha

    panic  slandering instance at
    panic  posting pictures of instance at
     done  their lives are ruined for a reason


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. If you are making changes in the lib/ directory, add tests.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request