graphite: Installs the graphite recipe. python: Installs the python community cookbook, forked and ready to rock. logrotate/apache2/yum/build-essential: Needed by graphite or python.
(Inspired by @ohrite's travels with @mkocher)
This assumes that you have a shell open to this directory.
watch -n 0.1 rsync --exclude .git -avh . ec2-user@<ip>:~ec2-user/site-cookbooks
Before this, do: ssh -i <pem> ec2-user@<ip>
ssh ec2-user@<ip> 'env TERM=xterm sudo su - -c "watch -n 0.1 rsync -avh ~ec2-user/site-cookbooks/ /opt/aws/opsworks/current/site-cookbooks"'
Before this, do: ssh -i <pem> ec2-user@<ip>
sudo su -
cd /opt/aws/opsworks/current
bin/opsworks-agent-cli run_command setup
This runs the setup stage, for example.
If you're using the free tier t1.micro, you'll likely need to tune Apache way down:
"apache": {
"prefork": {
"startservers": 5,
"minspareservers": 5,
"maxspareservers": 10,
"serverlimit": 20,
"maxclients": 20,
"maxrequestsperchild": 5000